英文: How to make a Rect in Java? 问题 我已经在互联网上扫描了半个小时,而且人们建议的矩形方法不起作用,所以我想知道你们会建议什么。 英文: I have been sc...
英文: Is there another way of declaring a variable in java? 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 我在Java中遇到了这段代码,我认为这段代码不会通过编译...
Play With Numbers Programming Challenge(在Java中查找子数组的平均值)
英文: Play With Numbers Programming Challenge (finding mean value of subarray in java) 问题 import java....
英文: Defining a Generic List 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 我对泛型相当新,真的很感谢这里的一些帮助。我有一个方法, public static List<classA&...
Getting array out of ArrayOutOfBound exception. I was writing code to get first letters of all words in a string
英文: Getting array out of ArrayOutOfBound exception. I was writing code to get first letters of all w...
英文: Why doesn't Math.pow return me the correct value? 问题 我正在尝试获取正确的值: double poweredValue = Math...
英文: Java : My error is a cannot find symbol in run method for Threads? 问题 public class Battle extend...
How to make a class accept different type of child classes (of another parent class) in the constructor in java
英文: How to make a class accept different type of child classes (of another parent class) in the cons...
空的 Optional,带有自定义的描述性异常
英文: empty Optional with custom descriptive exception 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: 我正在寻找一种方法,以返回空的Optional对象信息,说明为什...
英文: Java: OutOfMemory exception when trying to read objects from a very large file 问题 以下是您要求的翻译部分: 我...