英文: Confluent Schema registry with Go application 问题 我理解到你想要将Confluent Schema Registry(CSR)与一个Golang...
How can I use JNA to pass byte[][] to go
英文: How can I use JNA to pass byte[][] to go 问题 这是go代码: import ( "C" "fmt" ) //expor...
Is there an equivalent java constant for go's MaxUint64
英文: Is there an equivalent java constant for go's MaxUint64 问题 Java中是否有与go的常量MaxUint32相等的常量?因为我注...
Reuse function with return type always equal to the struct that is calling that function in golang
英文: Reuse function with return type always equal to the struct that is calling that function in gola...
英文: Kotlin Concurrency againts Goroutine, Task, CompletableFuture 问题 当我阅读关于 Kotlin 协程或 Golang gorout...
How to Query kafka for latest offset / partition /timestamp for latest message for given key in a topic
英文: How to Query kafka for latest offset / partition /timestamp for latest message for given key in ...
fetch data from couch db use pagination and without using startkey , endKey in hyperledger fabric
英文: fetch data from couch db use pagination and without using startkey , endKey in hyperledger fabri...
英文: Restrict variable to itself and to other certain package 问题 我有这样的结构: ├── app │ ├── app.go │ ├── ...
无法找到 /oauth/device/code Auth0 Java API。
英文: Unable to find /oauth/device/code Auth0 Java API 问题 有没有通过Auth0 Java API获取设备代码的API?我们在Go中使用以下代码片段...
在Spring AMQP中,协议缓冲区(Protocol Buffer)的反序列化/编组可能存在问题。
英文: Incorrect Protocol Buffer Deserialization/Marshaling In Spring AMQP 问题 我正在尝试弄清楚为什么在我的Java应用程序中,当...