英文: Why forEach(System.out::println) works but map(System.out::println) fails? 问题 我正在进行Streams教程练习(来...
英文: Error when generating JAVA classes with JAXB: XPath evaluation of results in empty 问题 我有一个XSD: &...
英文: How to get data from Contract State form of a state, without casting? 问题 有没有一种方法可以从ContractState...
如何在一定次数的启动之后或特定值返回时停止 ScheduledExecutorService?
英文: How to stop ScheduledExecutorService after a certain number of starts or when a certain value re...
英文: How can i make fields and methods of a sub class usable to a class which only uses the super cla...
I saw this piece of code in a coding book and the output was 3, 5, 7, 9. Can someone explain to me why number 1 is not displayed in the output?
英文: I saw this piece of code in a coding book and the output was 3, 5, 7, 9. Can someone explain to ...
Fitnesse 测试页面抛出异常
英文: Fitnesse test page throwing an exception 问题 我通过Jenkins运行Fitnesse测试工具。Jenkins会在固定间隔后运行fitnesse。以下...
英文: Need to find position of maximum of three numbers 问题 我正试图找出用户输入的三个数字中最大值的位置。我不知道如何找到该位置,但我可以找出这些...
英文: Add summary to ListPreference List? 问题 我正在尝试为我的列表项之一添加摘要。 (在“Systemstandardeinstellung”下的摘要) 我应该...
如何在使用 Junit 4.11 时有条件地执行测试类
英文: How to execute test classes conditionally using Junit 4.11 问题 我有多个测试类,我希望根据一个Bean的值来执行这些测试类。 我的测...