英文: Most recent notification status bar 问题 我想要获取即将到来的通知的唯一标识符。是否有可能获取该唯一标识符以便识别最近的通知? public void on...
英文: Java: How to addUp BigDecimal values to Collection stored inside the MAP 问题 public class Main { ...
Spring Boot与JPA – 无法从h2数据库返回对象
英文: Spring boot with JPA - Unable to return object from h2 database 问题 I'll provide the translated c...
Is it possible to overload abstract methods in an abstract Java class, but implement only one of the overloaded methods in subclass?
英文: Is it possible to overload abstract methods in an abstract Java class, but implement only one of...
弹性搜索 Spring Boot
英文: Elasticsearch Spring boot 问题 尝试使用 Java API 转换此 ElasticSearch 查询: QueryBuilder query = QueryBuild...
英文: How to remotely debug java via HTTP protocol 问题 我的 webapp 基于 springboot,部署在 Kubernetes 中。由于公司限制使...
将 Dagger 的 Singleton 对象设置为 null。
英文: Set null to Dagger Singleton object 问题 If in class1 I set an object that is Injected with Dagger...
英文: Zuul: automatic rerouting incoming requests to other service instance in case of unavailable ser...
Sure, here’s the translation: 从内部将 URL 记录到 Spring 控制器
英文: Log url to Spring controller from inside it 问题 假设您有一个类似于以下代码的 Spring MVC 控制器: @Controller public...
I don’t get into a loop even though the ResultSet is full.
英文: I don't get into a loop even though the ResultSet is full 问题 我有一个非空的结果集,它包含6列。但是如果我想使用循环,什么都...