在应用程序-go + BDD-java中模拟第三方服务

huangapple 未分类评论151阅读模式

Mocking third party service in application-go + BDD-java



  1. Service-A内部调用Service-B。
  2. 应用程序使用goLang编写。
  3. BDD使用Java编写。






I recently started looking into BDD(using Gherkin + Restassured). Need to mock third party servicd, below is my use case.

  1. Service-A internally calls Service-B
  2. The application is in goLang.
  3. The BDD are in Java.

We have a CI pipeline running along, where it generates the rpm and deploys the rpm into VM.
On that VM we are running the BDD(Currently Service-A and Service-B are deployed on the same VM)

Is ther a way i can mock the Service-B, so that i dont have to be dependent on Service-B? If yes what would be the best approach here.

Have tried goLang httptest to mock the service at the unit-test level.
But how the mocking can be done after rpm gets created in pipeline with BDD in place.



得分: 1







  • 您可以对服务B使用存根数据,以使其以可预测的方式运行。

  • 您可以使用测试实例。与您的服务提供商联系,看看他们是否为您提供了一个测试实例。我建议您仍然检查真实服务的部署是否成功,最好使用某种自动化测试进行检查,即使必须在生产环境中运行。它只需要是一个基本的冒烟测试,以检查系统是否正确连接。请注意,部署越容易,从任何错误中恢复就越容易;如果无法快速部署,则需要更加彻底地检查。



If your Service A is calling Service B internally, rather than via web or RPC, then you can use dependency injection to inject a "fake" version of your Service B. (Note that this doesn't necessarily involve a dependency injection framework; constructor-based and property-based injection are also valid). If Service B has no interface, extract one and use a thin adapter to call the real service or fake depending on environment.

You won't need to change your scenarios as long as they are only interacting with Service A's user interface or API.

You will need to change the way the build pipeline works, so that it deploys with your fake instead of the real code.

You can even do this at runtime, switching over from the fake to the real thing by having the adapter call the relevant service. The switch or deployment can be triggered by environment variables or by build arguments.

Be careful not to deploy your test service to production though!

If you're using continuous deployment, then the last step in the build pipeline should ideally deploy and test interaction with the real service. If for some reason that's the only way you can work, there are still a couple of things you can do that might help:

  • You can stub the data that Service B uses, so that it behaves in a predictable way

  • You can use a test instance. Reach out to your service provider and see if they have one for you. I recommend that you should still check that deployment of the real service succeeds, ideally with an automated test of some sort, even if that has to be run in production. It only needs to be a basic smoke test to check that the system is wired up. Note that the easier it is to deploy, the easier it will be to recover from any mistakes; if you can't deploy quickly then you will need to be more thorough in your checking.

If the RPM is created and deployed without any kind of fake or test instance, and you have no way to configure the environment to use such a fake or test instance, then you will not be able to mock it out. The build pipeline has to be a part of deploying a fake. That won't be a problem if you have control over your CI pipeline; otherwise reach out to your build team. They may have experience or be able to point you to someone else who can help you. Great BDD is driven by conversations, after all!

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月10日 18:04:02
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://java.coder-hub.com/75409545.html



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