英文: How can I change the color of a button that is clicked but make it so that only one buttons'...
How can I load a jar at runtime and replace it for later use without closing it first?
英文: How can I load a jar at runtime and replace it for later use without closing it first? 问题 public...
英文: Can GUI scaling be controlled on a JFrame by JFrame basis? 问题 我有一个应用程序,在这个应用程序中,我需要允许某些框架进行自动缩放(...
Nothing appears when I try to read a local excel file in a recyclerview. What can resolve this problem?
英文: Nothing appears when I try to read a local excel file in a recyclerview. What can resolve this p...
英文: Java stream filter specified variable, delete it and delete next 3 variables in row 问题 代码中是否可能找到...
英文: Trying to iterate through a list 问题 我正在尝试创建一个迭代列表,其中将文本设置为"Copper 60 = Silver 30"。因此,&...
Encountering ClassNotFoundException when trying to use Ring Jetty alongside Cognitect AWS-api in Clojure
英文: Encountering ClassNotFoundException when trying to use Ring Jetty alongside Cognitect AWS-api in...
Enum *seems* to be initialized more than once, the constructor is called more than once. If I’m right, then why?
英文: Enum *seems* to be initialized more than once, the constructor is called more than once. If I’m ...
Spring Boot Rest API枚举一些Java类型
英文: Spring Boot Rest API Enumerate some Java types 问题 我正在构建Spring Boot Webflux REST API功能,需要处理包含几种Ja...
英文: catching and re throwing same custom exception 问题 我有一个Spring JobRunner组件,其中有一个`run()`方法,该方法会抛出我的...