英文: How to pass a command to dev console while automating selenium testcase 问题 我正在编写一个自动化测试用例,其中我需要在...
How to select an option from a dropdown that wasn't built with the 'select' method/tag? (Selenium Java)
英文: How to select an option from a dropdown that wasn't built with the 'select' method/t...
英文: Tests success on Eclipse and fail on Jenkins 问题 当我在Eclipse中运行我的测试时,它们毫无问题地运行,但是当我尝试在Jenkins上运行它们...
“Jenkins Selenium插件初始化失败”
英文: Jenkins Selenium Plugin Failed to Initialize 问题 我已经安装了Jenkins Selenium 插件,但在启动时它无法初始化。 Jenkins 启...
英文: Is there a way to slow down firefox execution speed in selenium? 问题 我正在开发一个针对基于Angular的Web应用程序的S...
Selenium Java – 如何在网页元素路径中存储变量,以便循环遍历多个元素
英文: Selenium Java - how to store a variable in web element path in order to loop through multiple el...