What is the difference between Go's multithreading and pthread or Java Threads?
Go的多线程方法与其他方法(如pthread、boost::thread或Java Threads)有什么区别?
What is the difference between Go's multithreading approach and other approaches, such as pthread, boost::thread or Java Threads?
得分: 28
引用自第三天教程 <- 阅读此处以获取更多信息。
> Goroutines根据需要在系统线程上进行多路复用。
> 当一个goroutine执行阻塞的系统调用时,没有其他goroutine被阻塞。
> 我们将在某个时候对CPU绑定的goroutines执行相同的操作,
> 但是目前,如果您想要用户级并行性,
> 您必须设置$GOMAXPROCS或调用runtime.GOMAXPROCS(n)。
Quoted from Day 3 Tutorial <- read this for more information.
> Goroutines are multiplexed as needed
> onto system threads. When a goroutine
> executes a blocking system call, no
> other goroutine is blocked.
> We will do the same for CPU-bound
> goroutines at some point, but for now,
> if you want user-level parallelism you
> must set $GOMAXPROCS. or call
> runtime.GOMAXPROCS(n).
A goroutine does not necessarily correspond to an OS thread. It can have smaller initial stack size and the stack will grow as needed.
Multiple gorouitines may be multiplexed into a single thread when needed.
More importantly, the concept is as outlined above, that a goroutine is a sequential program that may block itself but does not block other goroutines.
Goroutines is implemented as pthreads in gccgo, so it can be identical to OS thread, too.
It's separating the concept of OS thread and our thinking of multithreading when programming.
得分: 13
IMO, what makes the multi-threading in Go appealing is the communication facilities: unlike pthread where one must build the communications infrastructure (mutex, queues etc.), in Go it is available by default in a convenient form.
In short, there is "low-friction" to using threads because of the good communication facilities (akin to Erlang if I can say so).
得分: 12
In the reference compilers (5g/6g/8g), the master scheduler (src/pkg/runtime/proc.c) creates N OS threads, where N is controlled by runtime.GOMAXPROCS(n) (default 1). Each scheduler thread pulls a new goroutine off the master list and starts running it. The goroutine(s) will continue to run until a syscall is made (e.g. printf) or an operation on a channel is made, at which point the scheduler will grab the next goroutine and run it from the point at which it left off (see gosched() calls in src/pkg/runtime/chan.c).
The scheduling, for all intents and purposes, is implemented with coroutines. The same functionality could be written in straight C using setjmp() and longjmp(), Go (and other languages that implement lightweight/green threads) are just automating the process for you.
The upside to lightweight threads is since it's all userspace, creating a "thread" is very cheap (allocating a small default stack) and can be very efficient due to the inherent structure of how the threads talk to eachother. The downside is that they are not true threads which means a single lightweight thread can block the entire program, even when it appears all the threads should be running concurrently.
得分: 5
package main
import (
func main() {
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(4) // 设置最大线程/进程数
d := make(chan string)
go boring("boring!", d, 1)
go boring("boring!", d, 2)
go boring("boring!", d, 3)
go boring("boring!", d, 4)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
fmt.Println("You're boring; I'm leaving.")
func boring(msg string, c chan string, id int) {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
As previous answers have stated, go routines do not necessarily correspond to system threads however I found the following useful if you must have the performance increase of multi-threading right now:
> The current implementation of the Go runtime will not parallelize this code by default. It dedicates only a single core to user-level processing. An arbitrary number of goroutines can be blocked in system calls, but by default only one can be executing user-level code at any time. It should be smarter and one day it will be smarter, but until it is if you want CPU parallelism you must tell the run-time how many goroutines you want executing code simultaneously. There are two related ways to do this. Either run your job with environment variable GOMAXPROCS set to the number of cores to use or import the runtime package and call runtime.GOMAXPROCS(NCPU). A helpful value might be runtime.NumCPU(), which reports the number of logical CPUs on the local machine. Again, this requirement is expected to be retired as the scheduling and run-time improve.
An example program that maxes out my i5 processor is this (uses all 4 cores at 100% in htop):
package main
import (
func main() {
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(4) // Set the maximum number of threads/processes
d := make(chan string)
go boring("boring!", d, 1)
go boring("boring!", d, 2)
go boring("boring!", d, 3)
go boring("boring!", d, 4)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
fmt.Println("You're boring; I'm leaving.")
func boring(msg string, c chan string, id int) {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
Now that doesn't actually 'do' anything, but see how short/easy/simple that is compared to writing multithreaded applications in other languages such as Java.