如何使用 Neo4j Java 驱动程序 4.0.0 逐批流式传输记录?

huangapple 未分类评论69阅读模式

How to stream records by batch with neo4j java driver 4.0.0?


假设我有一个查询发送到neo4j存储过程,应该返回 100,000 条记录。我想要的是以每批 1000 条的方式获取我的记录。我不想等待所有 100,000 条记录都被 Neo4j 发送过来,我想在客户端控制接收的记录数量。我注意到在 ResultCursor 中有一个 CompletionStage<Record> nextAsync() 方法,它实现了我想要的功能,但一次只返回一条记录。这并不是最优解,因为它需要在客户端和 Neo4j 之间进行过多的往返以获取所有记录。是否有一种方法可以请求接下来的 N 条记录?

我正在使用 neo4j java driver 4.0.0 版本的异步模式。


Let's say I have a query to a neo4j procedure which should return 100 000 records.
What I would like is a way to get my records by batches of 1000. I don't want to wait for the 100 000 records to be all sent by Neo4j, I would like to control on client side the number of records I receive. I have noticed there is a CompletionStage&lt;Record&gt; nextAsync() method in ResultCursor, which is doing what I want, but only one record by one. This is not optimal, as it would need too many round trips between the client and neo4j to get all the records. Is there a way to ask for the next N records ?

I am using neo4j java driver 4.0.0 in async mode.


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neo4j 4.0+ 中,nextAsync() 方法在内部为您按批次获取记录。


因此,nextAsync() 方法非常高效,通常可以从队列中非常快地获取下一个记录。



In neo4j 4.0+, the nextAsync() method internally gets the records in batches for you.

Its implementation returns each record from a queue that is asynchronously replenished, in batches, whenever the queue size falls below a low watermark.

So, the nextAsync() method is pretty optimal and should normally get the next record very quickly from the queue.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年3月4日 03:41:40
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://java.coder-hub.com/60514397.html



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