How to extend an abstract Syntax Analyzer Java class for a simple programming language like Ada
public abstract class AbstractSyntaxAnalyser
LexicalAnalyser lex ;
Token nextToken ;
Generate myGenerate = null;
public abstract void _statementPart_() throws IOException, CompilationException;
public abstract void acceptTerminal(int symbol) throws IOException, CompilationException;
public void parse( PrintStream ps ) throws IOException
ps.println( lex.getFilename() );
myGenerate = new Generate();
try {
nextToken = lex.getNextToken() ;
_statementPart_() ;
acceptTerminal(Token.eofSymbol) ;
myGenerate.reportSuccess() ;
ps.println( "OK\n" );
catch( CompilationException ex )
ps.println( "Compilation Exception" );
ps.println( ex.toTraceString() );
ps.println( "STOP\n" );
I need to write a Syntax Analyser Java class. To do so, I am supposed to extend an Abstract Syntax Analyzer java class that is provided.
I know this should be quite straightforwards, but I've spent quite a healthy amount of time trying to get started and just feel... stuck.
This is the abstract class I have been provided with.
public abstract class AbstractSyntaxAnalyser
LexicalAnalyser lex ;
Token nextToken ;
Generate myGenerate = null;
public abstract void _statementPart_() throws IOException, CompilationException;
public abstract void acceptTerminal(int symbol) throws IOException, CompilationException;
public void parse( PrintStream ps ) throws IOException
ps.println( lex.getFilename() );
myGenerate = new Generate();
try {
nextToken = lex.getNextToken() ;
_statementPart_() ;
acceptTerminal(Token.eofSymbol) ;
myGenerate.reportSuccess() ;
ps.println( "OK\n" );
catch( CompilationException ex )
ps.println( "Compilation Exception" );
ps.println( ex.toTraceString() );
ps.println( "STOP\n" );
As a new Java user, I would really appreciate help and guidance on how to get this project moving as this is merely the first step in a whole list of things to do and I just can't seem to make any headway..
All the best!
得分: 2
public class MySyntaxAnalyzer extends AbstractSyntaxAnalyzer{
public void _statementPart_() throws IOException, CompilationException{
public void acceptTerminal(int symbol) throws IOException, CompilationException{
To extend that class you need to provide an implementation of all the abstract methods. A do-nothing example would be
public class MySyntaxAnalyzer extends AbstractSyntaxAnalyzer{
public void _statementPart_() throws IOException, CompilationException{
public void acceptTerminal(int symbol) throws IOException, CompilationException{