AWS Lambda Java Application
我来自Java背景,现在开始接触AWS。在我看来,尽管可以使用Java编写Lambda函数,但显然无法使用Java编写Lambda应用程序,因为Lambda应用程序只支持NodeJS作为运行时。这是否正确?我创建了一个NodeJs Lambda应用程序,一旦应用程序构建完成,就能够很方便地获得内置的CodeCommit和持续交付功能,我也希望我的Java应用程序能够有相同的集成。
I come from a Java background and now I am getting started with AWS. It seems to me that, although it is possible to write Lambda Functions in Java, appararently, it is not possible to write Lambda Applications in Java since only NodeJS is available as runtime for a Lambda Application. Is that correct? I created a NodeJs lambda application and it's so nice to have the CodeCommit and continuous delivery out of the box once the application is built and I was kindof wishing for the same integration but with my application written in Java.