Trying to compile GWT with eclipse 4.14
我下载了一个 GWT 项目,并尝试在 Eclipse 4.14 中编译它。
它有一个 Eclipse 启动器文件,我可以使用它启动超级开发模式,并从我选择的浏览器访问 Web 视图,一切运行正常!
现在的问题是:如何使其真正编译成文件(以便我拥有原始的 .html、.css 和 .javascript 文件)?
当我观看其他人编译 GWT 的视频时,他们的工具栏上通常有一个 Google 按钮,而我没有。所以我尝试安装 GWT 插件,现在我的工具栏上有一个红色的 "GDT pulldown" 符号,它给了我编译项目的选项。它会弹出一个窗口,让我选择要编译的项目,如果我选择我的产品,它会要求我选择两个入口模块中的一个(module ore baseletmodule)。
正在加载继承的模块 '.module'
[错误] 无效的模块名称: '.module'
正在编译模块 com.BaseletElements
在第一次编译中忽略了 54 个带有编译错误的单元。
请使用 -strict 或将 -logLevel 设置为 TRACE 或 DEBUG 以查看所有错误。
[错误] 模块未定义入口点
I downloaded a gwt project and tried to compile it with eclipse 4.14.
it has an eclipse launcher file, which I can use to start super dev mode and access the webview from my browser of choice, and its working fine!
Problem now: how can I get it to actually compile into files (so that I have the raw .html .css and .javascript files)?
When I watch videos of people compiling gwt, they always have a google button in their toolbar, which I did not have. so I tried to install gwt plugins, I now have a red "GDT pulldown" symbol in my toolbar which gives me the option to compile the project. it brings up a popup window on which project I want to compile, if I select my product it asks me to select one of two entry point modules (module ore baseletmodule).
When choosing a module, it tells me that
Loading inherited module '.module'
[ERROR] Invalid module name: '.module'
when choosing the other, it tells me that
Compiling module com.BaseletElements
Ignored 54 units with compilation errors in first pass.
Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors.
[ERROR] Module has no entry points defined
Soooo I can't really make sense of this, I feel like the module is the one I should go with, google reveals that you should change the name of the module to a valid name, but as a said, its an open-source project, so the compilation must have worked for other people with the same names. what do I do from here?