How do I generate (x,y) coordinates with this multiplicative LCG?
* 使用给定参数的线性生成器方法。
* @param multiplier 种子乘数。
* @param seed 程序的初始种子;指示生成器在周期的哪个点开始。
* @param addition 添加到种子的附加值。
* @param modulus 使用的模数。
* @param num 要生成的数字数量。
* @return 包含生成值的向量。
public static BigDecimal[] generadorLineal(BigDecimal multiplier, BigDecimal seed, BigDecimal addition, BigDecimal modulus, int num)
BigDecimal numeros[] = new BigDecimal[num];
numeros[0] = multiplier.multiply(seed);
numeros[0] = numeros[0].add(addition);
numeros[0] = numeros[0].remainder(modulus);
for(int i = 1; i < num; i++){
numeros[i] = multiplier.multiply(numeros[i-1]);
numeros[i] = numeros[i].add(addition);
numeros[i] = numeros[i].remainder(modulus);
/*for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){ //归一化(0,1)
numeros[i] = numeros[i].divide(modulus.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(1)), 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
return numeros;
- p1(x1,y1) = (5,5)
- p2(x2,y2) = (25,25)
- p3(x3,y3) = (29,29)
- p4(x4,y4) = (17,17)
- p5(x5,y5) = (21,21)
- p6(x6,y6) = (9,9)
- p7(x7,y7) = (13,13)
- p8(x8,y8) = (1,1)
I developed the following code in Java:
* Método que sirve como generador lineal con unos parámetros dados.
* @param multiplier multiplicador de la seed dada.
* @param seed semilla inicial del programa; indicará en que punto del periodo comienza el generador.
* @param addition adición adicional a la semilla.
* @param modulus módulo usado.
* @param num cantidad de numeros a generar.
* @return un vector con los valores generados.
public static BigDecimal[] generadorLineal(BigDecimal multiplier, BigDecimal seed, BigDecimal addition, BigDecimal modulus, int num)
BigDecimal numeros[] = new BigDecimal[num];
numeros[0] = multiplier.multiply(seed);
numeros[0] = numeros[0].add(addition);
numeros[0] = numeros[0].remainder(modulus);
for(int i = 1; i < num; i++){
numeros[i] = multiplier.multiply(numeros[i-1]);
numeros[i] = numeros[i].add(addition);
numeros[i] = numeros[i].remainder(modulus);
/*for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){ //normalization (0,1)
numeros[i] = numeros[i].divide(modulus.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(1)), 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
return numeros;
And having the next example:
I generate 50 randomly points; being actually eight:
- p1(x1,y1) = (5,5)
- p2(x2,y2) = (25,25)
- p3(x3,y3) = (29,29)
- p4(x4,y4) = (17,17)
- p5(x5,y5) = (21,21)
- p6(x6,y6) = (9,9)
- p7(x7,y7) = (13,13)
- p8(x8,y8) = (1,1)
The next 42 points are the same period. This is the output that I get:
But, my teacher is telling me that the result is wrong; because it should only be five points and more distributed in the coordinates x,y of my canvas; or put it in another way, my number of points is wrong and my coordinate 'y' is not right. I certainly don't understand why it should be only five different points or how should I generate my 'y' coordinate.
If the period generated by that LCG is eight, doesn't it mean that the program is generating eight different 'x' coordinates for my canvas? I'm really confused and I'm not asking for code; but for some explanation of why my output isn't right.