Does n >> 3 or n & 3 offer any advantage over n/8 or n % 8 respectively?
In my program memory and cpu time are constraints also this calculation will be done around 50000 times every second. Will there be a performance gain if bitwise operators are used over arithmetic ?
得分: 3
几乎不太可能会有任何差异;对于这种事情,CPU 几十年来都不会关心。
一般来说,如果你在没有任何实际迹象表明性能不达标之前就担心性能问题,那么你将会度过不愉快的时光。现代硬件和 JVM 的优化代码非常复杂,即使是 JVM 性能工程师们自己也记录下来,他们很难仅仅通过查看代码然后猜测是否可以通过便宜的技巧(如尝试用位移替代除法)来加快速度。
解决方案很简单,就是绝对不要涉及这种情况:如果你有性能需求,将它们写下来,使用性能分析工具来找出需要查看的地方(因为通常情况下,99% 的 CPU 资源都花在了 1% 或更少的代码上——所以在开始性能测量之前,你需要知道要测量什么)。
一旦你知道了,使用 JMH 来实际测试性能。这就是它的用途。
如果 JMH 告诉你位移操作更快(我非常怀疑),请知道这个结果未必适用于其他 CPU 架构。
It is highly unlikely that it would make any difference; CPUs wouldn't care about this sort of thing for decades.
In general, if you're worried about performance before you have any actual indication that the performance is below your needs – you're going to have a bad time. Modern hardware, and the JVM's optimising code is so incredibly complicated, even the JVM performance engineers themselves are on record that they have a very hard time just looking at code and then guessing if it can be made faster with cheap tricks like trying to replace a division by a bitshift.
The solution is to simply never engage in that sort of thing: If you have performance needs, write them down, and use profilers to figure out where to look (because generally 99% of the CPU resources are spent on 1% or less of the code – so before starting performance measurements, you need to know what to measure).
Once you know, use JMH to actually test performance. That's what it is for.
IF JMH tells you that the bitshift is faster (I highly doubt it), know that this result does not necessarily translate to other CPU architecture.
得分: 1
(i&1) == 1
比i%2 == 1
a<<6 + a<<5 + a<<2 vs a*100
My observations of doing some simple testing would indicate yes, it makes a difference. No I didn't use JMH so I know I'll get some push back. But regardless of the order of testing the bitwise operations were always observed to be faster. I can't say if faster equates to advantage but until proven otherwise I will continue to favor them when possible.
(i&1) == 1
is faster thani%2 == 1
is faster thani/8
And I have seen this in the API code before, documented as being faster but I haven't tried it.
a<<6 + a<<5 + a<<2 vs a*100
And then there is this for the bit shifting.