How does map from Page from Spring data works?
中的 map
根据文档,它建议您将转换器作为 map
Page<T> results = getPagedResults();
return results.map(x -> {
x.setElement("some constant");
return x;
Page<T> results = getPagedResults();
return new Page<T>() {
public int getTotalPages() {
return results.getTotalPages();
public List<T> getContent() {
List<T> contents = result.getContent();
for (T content : contents) {
content.setElement("some constant");
return contents;
我是否误解了文档?如果不能像我使用的方式那样使用 Page 的 map 函数,那么在什么情况下会使用它呢?
As the title says how does the map from org.springframework.data.domain.Page work?
As per the documentation, it suggests that you put a converter as a map parameter, and you get a new map with the converted contents. As per this interpretation, I wrote code to something as follows.
Page<T> results = getPagedResults();
return results.map(x -> {
x.setElement("some constant");
return x;
However the above did not work as expected. I got the Page with all the other values intact like count and so on, but the content was an empty list! I actually had to write code this way.
Page<T> results = getPagedResults();
return new Page<T>() {
public int getTotalPages() {
return results.getTotalPages();
public List<T> getContent() {
List<T> contents = result.getContent();
for (T content : contents) {
content.setElement("some constant");
return contents;
The second choice is verbose and seems to do redundant work. I would have expected the first piece of code to do the same, but it did not.
Am I reading the documentation wrong? And where would you use the map function of Page if it is not supposed to be used, the way I was using it?
得分: 0
Page<T> results = getPagedResults();
Page<T> convertedResults = results.map(new Converter<T, T>() {
public T convert(T page) {
Page page2 = new Page();
return page2;
How about putting a real converter like below:
Page<T> results = getPagedResults();
Page<T> convertedResults = results.map(new Converter<T, T>() {
public T convert(T page) {
Page page2 = new Page();
page2.setElement('some constant');
//set other fields
return page2;
# 答案2
**得分**: 0
你可以像我们平常使用的方式一样使用 map:
其中 convert
是 mapper 的方法,用于将数据库实体转换为 DTO 或其他任何对象。
You can use map the same way as we do:
where the convert is the method of mapper to convert database entity to DTO or any another object.