Deploy Java webapp with Azure
我是Azure的新手。我部署了简单的Web应用,一切正常。但是当我部署使用WAR文件的Maven Web应用(使用Spring MVC和Hibernate),在我的App Service编辑器中出现了以下日志:
# Java运行时环境的内存不足,无法继续运行。
# 本机内存分配(mmap)未能映射212992字节以进行卡表扩展。
# 可能的原因:
# 系统的物理RAM或交换空间不足
# 进程正在以启用了CompressedOops的方式运行,并且Java堆可能阻止本机堆的增长
# 可能的解决方案:
# 减少系统上的内存负载
# 增加物理内存或交换空间
# 检查交换支持存储是否已满
# 减小Java堆大小(-Xmx/-Xms)
# 减少Java线程数量
# 减小Java线程堆栈大小(-Xss)
# 使用-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=设置较大的代码缓存
# JVM正在以未缩放的Compressed Oops模式运行,其中Java堆位于前4GB的地址空间中。Java堆基址是本机堆增长的最大限制。请使用-XX:HeapBaseMinAddress设置Java堆基址,并将Java堆放置在4GB虚拟地址之上。
# 此输出文件可能被截断或不完整。
# 内存不足错误(os_windows.cpp:3415),pid=8336,tid=0x0000000000004c6c
# JRE版本:OpenJDK Runtime Environment()(8.0_202-b05)(构建1.8.0_202-b05)
# Java VM:OpenJDK 64位服务器VM(25.202-b05 混合模式 windows-amd64 压缩oops)
# 无法写入核心转储。在模块dbghelp.dll中找不到MiniDumpWriteDump()
Azure使用的是Windows机器,免费的F1套餐,Java 8,Java容器:Tomcat。
I'm new to Azure. I deployed simple webapp, everything ok. When I deploy maven webapp using war file (spring mvc, hibernate), I have this log in my App Service Editor
# There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
# Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map 212992 bytes for card table expansion
# Possible reasons:
# The system is out of physical RAM or swap space
# The process is running with CompressedOops enabled, and the Java Heap may be blocking the growth of the native heap
# Possible solutions:
# Reduce memory load on the system
# Increase physical memory or swap space
# Check if swap backing store is full
# Decrease Java heap size (-Xmx/-Xms)
# Decrease number of Java threads
# Decrease Java thread stack sizes (-Xss)
# Set larger code cache with -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=
# JVM is running with Unscaled Compressed Oops mode in which the Java heap is
# placed in the first 4GB address space. The Java Heap base address is the
# maximum limit for the native heap growth. Please use -XX:HeapBaseMinAddress
# to set the Java Heap base and to place the Java Heap above 4GB virtual address.
# This output file may be truncated or incomplete.
# Out of Memory Error (os_windows.cpp:3415), pid=8336, tid=0x0000000000004c6c
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment () (8.0_202-b05) (build 1.8.0_202-b05)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.202-b05 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Failed to write core dump. Failed to find MiniDumpWriteDump() in module dbghelp.dll
Sometime, Azure return 502 page, or infinity loading page with
The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process.
Azure using window machine, free tier F1, Java 8, Java container: Tomcat
How to solve this problem, tks!!!