Java parsing multiple files
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
File attractionFile = new File("attractions.txt");
Scanner attractionScanner = null;
attractionScanner = new Scanner(attractionFile);
while (attractionScanner.hasNext()) {
String nextLine = attractionScanner.nextLine();
String[] attractionComponents = nextLine.split("@");
String rideName = attractionComponents[0];
int price = Integer.parseInt(attractionComponents[1]);
String type = attractionComponents[2];
int unknown = Integer.parseInt(attractionComponents[3]);
double speed = attractionComponents.length <= 4 ? 0 :
RollerCoaster rollerCoaster = new RollerCoaster(rideName, price, unknown, speed);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
try {
File customerFile = new File("customers.txt");
Scanner customerScanner = new Scanner(customerFile);
while (customerScanner.hasNext()) {
String nextLine = customerScanner.nextLine();
String[] customerComponents = nextLine.split("#");
int accountNumber = Integer.parseInt(customerComponents[0]);
String name = customerComponents[1];
int age = Integer.parseInt(customerComponents[2]);
int balance = Integer.parseInt(customerComponents[3]);
String discount = customerComponents.length <= 4
? String.valueOf(0) : customerComponents[4];
Customer customer = new Customer(accountNumber, name, age, balance, discount);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
这个代码能够工作,但是我不能在它们的循环之外访问对象。我不确定 Customer 类如何获取有关过山车的信息,比如名称和价格。例如,如果顾客和过山车对象在同一区域,我就可以通过从 rollercoaster.getprice
减去 customer.getbalance
来更新顾客余额,并将 customer.setbalance
设置为计算值。正如你可能已经了解的,我是一个初学者,所以我可能走错了方法 - 谢谢。
I need to parse multiple files and get access to the object's methods outside of where they were initialized.
This is my code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
File Attrationfile = new File("attractions.txt");
Scanner attractionscanner = null;
attractionscanner = new Scanner(Attrationfile);
while (attractionscanner.hasNext()) {
String nextline = attractionscanner.nextLine();
String[] Attractioncomponents = nextline.split("@");
String ridename =Attractioncomponents[0];
int price = Integer.parseInt(Attractioncomponents[1]);
String type = Attractioncomponents[2];
int unknown = Integer.parseInt(Attractioncomponents[3]) ;
double speed = Attractioncomponents.length <= 4 ? 0 :
RollerCoaster rollerCoaster = new RollerCoaster(ridename, price , unknown, speed);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
try {
File Customerfile = new File("customers.txt");
Scanner Customerscanner = new Scanner(Customerfile);
while (Customerscanner.hasNext()) {
String nextline = Customerscanner.nextLine();
String[] Customercomponents = nextline.split("#");
int accountnumber =Integer.parseInt(Customercomponents[0]);
String name = Customercomponents[1];
int age = Integer.parseInt(Customercomponents[2]) ;
int balance = Integer.parseInt(Customercomponents[3]) ;
String discount = Customercomponents.length <= 4
? String.valueOf(0) : Customercomponents[4];
Customer customer= new Customer(accountnumber,name, age, balance, discount);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
This works but I can't get access to the objects outside of their loops. I am not sure how the Сustomer class would get information about the roller coaster, such as the name and price. For example, if the customer and rollercoaster objects were in the same area, I would be able to update the customer balance by taking away rollercoaster.getprice
from the customer.getbalance
, and setting customer.setbalance
to the value of the calculation. As you have probably already gathered, I am a beginner, so I am probably going about this in the wrong way - thanks.
得分: 1
public static void main(String[] args) {
Customer customer = null;
RollerCoaster rollerCoaster = null;
try {
File attractionFile = new File("attractions.txt");
Scanner attractionScanner = null;
attractionScanner = new Scanner(attractionFile);
while (attractionScanner.hasNext()) {
String nextLine = attractionScanner.nextLine();
String[] attractionComponents = nextLine.split("@");
String rideName = attractionComponents[0];
int price = Integer.parseInt(attractionComponents[1]);
String type = attractionComponents[2];
int unknown = Integer.parseInt(attractionComponents[3]);
double speed = attractionComponents.length <= 4 ? 0 :
rollerCoaster = new RollerCoaster(rideName, price, unknown, speed);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
try {
File customerFile = new File("customers.txt");
Scanner customerScanner = new Scanner(customerFile);
while (customerScanner.hasNext()) {
String nextLine = customerScanner.nextLine();
String[] customerComponents = nextLine.split("#");
int accountNumber = Integer.parseInt(customerComponents[0]);
String name = customerComponents[1];
int age = Integer.parseInt(customerComponents[2]);
int balance = Integer.parseInt(customerComponents[3]);
String discount = customerComponents.length <= 4 ? String.valueOf(0) :
customer = new Customer(accountNumber, name, age, balance, discount);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
You can change the scope for those variables by declaring them at the start of the main method.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Customer customer = null;
RollerCoaster rollerCoaster = null;
try {
File Attrationfile = new File("attractions.txt");
Scanner attractionscanner = null;
attractionscanner = new Scanner(Attrationfile);
while (attractionscanner.hasNext()) {
String nextline = attractionscanner.nextLine();
String[] Attractioncomponents = nextline.split("@");
String ridename =Attractioncomponents[0];
int price = Integer.parseInt(Attractioncomponents[1]);
String type = Attractioncomponents[2];
int unknown = Integer.parseInt(Attractioncomponents[3]) ;
double speed = Attractioncomponents.length <= 4 ? 0 :
rollerCoaster = new RollerCoaster(ridename, price , unknown, speed);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
try {
File Customerfile = new File("customers.txt");
Scanner Customerscanner = new Scanner(Customerfile);
while (Customerscanner.hasNext()) {
String nextline = Customerscanner.nextLine();
String[] Customercomponents = nextline.split("#");
int accountnumber =Integer.parseInt(Customercomponents[0]);
String name = Customercomponents[1];
int age = Integer.parseInt(Customercomponents[2]) ;
int balance = Integer.parseInt(Customercomponents[3]) ;
String discount = Customercomponents.length <= 4 ? String.valueOf(0) :
customer= new Customer(accountnumber,name , age , balance, discount);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
得分: 1
ArrayList<Customer> customerList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
while (customerScanner.hasNext()) {
// ...
customerList.add(new Customer(accountnumber, name, age, balance, discount));
} catch (...) {
// ...
附注:按照惯例,变量名以小写字母开头,比如Scanner customerScanner
,而不是Scanner Customerscanner
Welcome to SO! As Hovercraft pointed out, the objects are declared within the scope of the loop, meaning you can't access them outside of it as you noticed. Also, they are overwritten on every iteration, since you declare and initialize the object on every pass. Consider using an ArrayList
like so (here just for the customers):<br>
ArrayList<Customer> customerList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
while (customerScanner.hasNext()) {
// ...
customerList.add(new Customer(accountnumber,name, age, balance, discount));
} catch (...) {
// ...
Here's the doc for the ArrayList
.<br><br> <T>
is a generic type, which for you means that you can have an ArrayList<Customer>
, ArrayList<RollerCoaster>
, ArrayList<String>
Sidenote: By convention, variable names start with a lowercase letter, like Scanner customerScanner
instead of Scanner Customerscanner
得分: 0
String type = null;
RollerCoaster rollerCoaster = null;
while (attractionscanner.hasNext()) {
String nextline = attractionscanner.nextLine();
String[] Attractioncomponents = nextline.split("@");
String ridename = Attractioncomponents[0];
int price = Integer.parseInt(Attractioncomponents[1]);
type = Attractioncomponents[2];
int unknown = Integer.parseInt(Attractioncomponents[3]);
double speed = Attractioncomponents.length <= 4 ? 0 : Double.parseDouble(Attractioncomponents[4]);
rollerCoaster = new RollerCoaster(ridename, price, unknown, speed);
Is it a question of scope? Try to declare an object outside the body of the loop.
Because in Java, the brace is a scope. The more nested braces, the smaller the scope. You can try to declare the objects you need to call in the external scope in the same or larger scope
String type = null;
RollerCoaster rollerCoaster = null;
while (attractionscanner.hasNext()) {
String nextline = attractionscanner.nextLine();
String[] Attractioncomponents = nextline.split("@");
String ridename =Attractioncomponents[0];
int price = Integer.parseInt(Attractioncomponents[1]);
type = Attractioncomponents[2];
int unknown = Integer.parseInt(Attractioncomponents[3]) ;
double speed = Attractioncomponents.length <= 4 ? 0 :
rollerCoaster = new RollerCoaster(ridename, price , unknown, speed);