如何在 Android 应用中查找两个地点之间的旅行时间。

huangapple 未分类评论44阅读模式

How to find the time it will take to travel between two places in an android app



我发现了Google Distance Matrix API(文档在此),它似乎具有我正在寻找的功能,但它警告...
> “如果您正在构建移动应用程序,您需要引入代理服务器,以充当您的移动应用程序与Google地图API Web服务之间的中间人。”




I am working on a school project and need to calculate the time it will take to travel between two locations preferably with the option to specify the mode of transportation inside of an android app.

I have come across the Google Distance Matrix API (documentation here) which seems to have the features that I am looking for, but it warns...
> "If you are building a mobile application, you will need to introduce a proxy server to act as intermediary between your mobile application and the Google Maps API Web Services."

I know that this is for the protection of the API key and want to follow this pretty diligently. I'm wonder, is there another way to get the data I need for the app without setting up a proxy server?

I know I could use a service like Heroku to run the code that accesses the API, but this seems like a difficult option given that this is just a school project. Any other ideas on how to get the travel time for my app?


得分: 1

设置代理服务器是保护您的 API 密钥的最佳方法,但 Google 也建议使用其他安全技术,如混淆和固定

话虽如此,如果这是一个学校项目,并且您不会在生产环境中公开您的 API 密钥,那么您可以将您的 API 密钥保持未受限制(无需代理服务器)。

但请确保您定期监控您的 API 使用情况,并根据需要定期或需要时重新生成您的 API 密钥。强烈建议您根据此常见问题解答设置每日配额限制和预算警报,以确保不超出预算。



Setting up a proxy server is the best way to secure your API key, but Google also suggests other security techniques such as obfuscation and pinning.

Having said that, if this is a school project and you won't make your API key public in a production environment, then you can just leave your API key unrestricted (and without a proxy server).

But do make sure that you monitor your API usage on a regular basis and that you regenerate your API key periodically and/or as needed. It's also strongly recommended that you set daily quota limits and budget alerts as per this FAQ so that you don't go over budget regardless.

Hope this helps!

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年3月16日 22:45:46
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://java.coder-hub.com/60708076.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
