如何指定要在其文件系统中动态加载的 .class 文件的路径?

huangapple 未分类评论47阅读模式

How to specify the path of a .class file to be dynamically loaded in its filesystem?


当一个 Java 程序动态加载一个 .class 文件时,

  • 只需要 .class 文件的完全限定类名吗?ClassLoaderloadClass() 方法是否只需要动态加载的 .class 文件的完全限定类名?

  • 如果 .class 文件可以在文件系统的任何位置找到,我如何在文件系统中指定它的路径名?

  • 当使用 java 命令运行由 Java 程序生成的这种字节码时,我需要在 -cp 中指定要动态加载的 .class 文件的路径吗?


When a java program dynamically load a .class file,

  • Is only the fully qualified classname of the .class file needed? Does ClassLoader
    s method loadClass() only require the fully qualified classname of the .class file to be dynamically loaded?

  • If the .class file can be located anywhere in a filesystem, how can I specify its pathname in its filesystem?

  • When running such the bytecode create from a Java program with command java, do I need to specify the path of the .class file to be dynamically loaded in -cp?



得分: 2


> 只需要".class"文件的完全限定类名吗?ClassLoader的loadClass()方法是否只需要".class"文件的完全限定类名来动态加载类?


> 如果".class"文件可以在文件系统的任何位置找到...



  • 如果您使用标准类加载器实现之一,它将使用标准方案来基于类的包名解析".class"文件的位置。

  • 可以实现一个自定义类加载器,将FQ类名解析为文件系统对象...其他方式。但这似乎是不必要的,因为标准的Java编译器会按照标准方案生成".class"文件。

> 当使用java命令从Java程序运行这些字节码时,是否需要在-cp中指定要动态加载的".class"文件的路径?







You are conflating classes and ".class" files.

> Is only the fully qualified classname of the .class file needed? Does ClassLoader s method loadClass() only require the fully qualified classname of the .class file to be dynamically loaded?

The fully qualified class name of the class is required.

> If the .class file can be located anywhere in a filesystem ...

It cannot be! The .class file corresponding to the class needs to be on the relevant classloader's classpath.

If you want to load a class from an arbitrary file in the file system, you need to create a new classloader instance:

  • If you use one of the standard classloader implementations, it will use the standard scheme for resolving a .class file location based on the classes package names.

  • It would be possible to implement a custom classloader that resolves FQ classnames to file system objects ... some other way. But that seems unnecessary, since a standard Java compiler will emit .class files as per the standard scheme.

> When running such the bytecode create from a Java program with command java, do I need to specify the path of the .class file to be dynamically loaded in -cp?

You don't give the location of the .class file. You give the location of a directory where the .class file can be resolved, as above.

But if a running Java program generates, compiles and then loads a class, it will need to dynamically create a new classloader to load it ... reliably.

Why? Because classloaders typically cache the contents of directories and JAR indexes on the classpath. So when a program writes a new file, the classloader may not get to know about it.

There is also the issue that a classloader cannot load the same class (from any location) twice.

Finally, be aware that if two classloaders load a class with the same fully qualified name, the runtime type system treats them as distinct classes / types. You can't cast between the two incarnations of the type.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年3月17日 02:16:22
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://java.coder-hub.com/60711220.html



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