Sales receipt, multiple choices (if/else), while loop, customer ability to change selections
None of the other posts seemed to fit accordingly.
I'm really struggling with producing this program without errors. I've come up with this below, however, if you run the program it is not adequately looping and if you choose the same candy twice the math isn't adding to the previous selection.
For the second part, I need to recode to adjust so that the customer may change the current selections if they'd like. So, I need the first part running perfectly.
import java.util.Scanner; //Program uses Scanner
import java.util.Calendar; //Program uses calendar
public class ClairAndreaG005PA2
{//Begin class ClairAndreaG005PA2
public static void main(String[] args)
/**Begin method. The customer is asked whether to proceed with a candy purchase.
* As long as the candy choice is in the proper range, prompt for the quantity,
* calculate the item total and subtotal; otherwise, print an error message. If it’s
* the first item in the purchase, add it to the sales, a receipt with a $ sign for the
* item total. If not format the item without a $ sign for the item total
* and add it to the sales receipt. Start the process again when the customer wants
* to add another candy purchase. When the customer is done, the sales tax and the
* total calculated, the sales receipt is finalized and printed.
int quantity = 0,
formatFirstItem = 1,
choice = 0;
final double TAX_RATE = .0825; //tax rate declared
double price = 0,
itemTotal = 0,
subtotal = 0,
taxAmount = 0,
total = 0;
char proceed = ' '; //proceed variable for loop
String candy = new String();
Calendar dateTime = Calendar.getInstance(); //situational date and time
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String salesReceipt = String.format("%n%nFAIRYTALE SWEETS%n"
+ "North Star Mall%n"
+ "San Antonio, TX%n"
+ "Date: %n", dateTime
+ "Time: %n", dateTime);
//Initiating variables and calculations
System.out.printf("%nDo you want to proceed with your candy purchase? 'Y' or 'N': ");
proceed = input.nextLine().charAt(0);
//End Prompt 1
while(Character.toUpperCase(proceed) == 'Y')
System.out.printf("%nFAIRYTALE SWEETS"
+ "%n%n1. Arabian Nights Chocolate Coins - 1 lb. Bag %5s%,7.2f"
+ "%n2. Beauty and the Beast Lollipops - 1 lb. Bag %,12.2f"
+ "%n3. Mad Hatter Jelly Beans - 1 lb. Bag %,20.2f"
+ "%n4. Pinocchio's Candy Cones - Each %,23.2f"
+ "%n5. Sleeping Beauty Caramel Apples - Each %,17.2f"
+ "%n%nEnter your choice: ", "$", 2.25, 2.50, 1.75, 0.75, 1.25);
choice = input.nextInt();
//Prompt 2 Candy Menu
if(choice > 0)
if(choice < 6)
if(choice == 1)
candy = "Arabian Nights Chocolate Coins";
price = 2.25;
if(choice == 2)
candy = "Beauty and the Beast Lollipops";
price = 2.50;
if(choice == 3)
candy = "Mad Hatter Jelly Beans";
price = 1.75;
if(choice == 4 )
candy = "Pinocchio's Candy Cones";
price = 0.75;
candy = "Sleeping Beauty Caramel Apples";
price = 0.75;
System.out.printf("%nQuantity for %s: ", candy);
quantity = input.nextInt();
//quantity of selections
System.out.println("Invalid candy choice! Try again.");
//Choices and selections
itemTotal = quantity * price; //calculation 1
subtotal += itemTotal; //calculation 2
System.out.printf("%nWould you like to make another candy purchase? 'Y' or 'N': ");
proceed = input.next().charAt(0);
if(formatFirstItem == 1 )
salesReceipt += String.format("%n%s"
+ "%n %d @ $%.2f ex. %-24s $%,10.2f%n", candy,
quantity, price, " ", itemTotal);
formatFirstItem = 0;
salesReceipt += String.format("%s"
+ "%n %d @ $%.2f ea. %-25s %,10.2f%n", candy,
quantity, price, " ", itemTotal);
//End if FormatFirst Item is 1 or else formatFirstItem NOT 1
}//End while loop selection
taxAmount = TAX_RATE * subtotal;// calculation 3
total = taxAmount + subtotal; // calculation 4
salesReceipt += String.format("%n%36s %-6s $%,10.2f"
+ "%n%36s %-7s %,10.2f"
+ "%n%n%36s %-6s $%,10.2f%n", "SUBTOTAL: ", " ",
subtotal, "TAX @ 8.250%: ", " ", taxAmount,
"TOTAL: ", " ", total);
System.out.printf("%s", salesReceipt);
None of the other posts seemed to fit accordingly.
I'm really struggling with producing this program without errors. I've come up with this below, however, if you run the program it is not adequately looping and if you choose the same candy twice the math isn't adding to the previous selection.
For the second part, I need to recode to adjust so that the customer may change the current selections if they'd like. So, I need the first part running perfectly.
import java.util.Scanner; //Program uses Scanner
import java.util.Calendar; //Program uses calendar
public class ClairAndreaG005PA2
{//Begin class ClairAndreaG005PA2
public static void main(String[] args)
/**Begin method. The customer is asked whether to proceed with a candy purchase.
* As long as the candy choice is in the proper range, prompt for the quantity,
* calculate the item total and subtotal; otherwise, print an error message. If it’s
* the first item in the purchase, ass it to the sales, a receipt with a $ sign for the
* item total. If not format the item without a $ sign for the item total
* and add it to the sales receipt. Start the process again when the customer wants
* to add another candy purchase. When the customer is done, the sales tax and the
* total calculated, the sales receipt is finalized and printed.
int quantity = 0,
formatFirstItem = 1,
choice = 0;
final double TAX_RATE = .0825; //tax rate declared
double price = 0,
itemTotal = 0,
subtotal = 0,
taxAmount = 0,
total = 0;
char proceed = ' '; //proceed variable for loop
String candy = new String();
Calendar dateTime = Calendar.getInstance(); //situational date and time
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String salesReceipt = String.format("%n%nFAIRYTALE SWEETS%n"
+ "North Star Mall%n"
+ "San Antonio, TX%n"
+ "Date: %n", dateTime
+ "Time: %n", dateTime);
//Initiating variables and calculations
System.out.printf("%nDo you want to proceed with your candy purhase? \'Y\' or \'N\': ");
proceed = input.nextLine().charAt(0);
//End Prompt 1
while(Character.toUpperCase(proceed) == 'Y')
System.out.printf("%nFAIRYTALE SWEETS"
+ "%n%n1. Arabian Nights Chocolate Coins - 1 lb. Bag %5s%,7.2f"
+"%n2. Beauty and the Beast Lollipops - 1 lb. Bag %,12.2f"
+"%n3. Mad Hatter Jelly Beans - 1 lb. Bag %,20.2f"
+"%n4. Pinocchio's Candy Cones - Each %,23.2f"
+"%n5. Sleeping Beauty Caramel Apples - Each %,17.2f"
+"%n%nEnter your choice: ", "$", 2.25, 2.50, 1.75, 0.75, 1.25);
choice = input.nextInt();
//Prompt 2 Candy Menu
if(choice > 0)
{if(choice < 6)
{if(choice == 1)
{candy = "Arabian Nights Chocolate Coins";
price = 2.25;
{if(choice == 2)
{ candy = "Beauty and the Beast Lollipops";
price = 2.50;
{if(choice == 3)
{candy = "Mad Hatter Jelly Beans";
price = 1.75;
{if(choice == 4 )
{candy = "Pinocchio's Candy Cones";
price = 0.75;
{candy = "Sleeping Beauty Caramel Apples";
price = 0.75;
System.out.printf("%nQuantity for %s: ", candy);
quantity = input.nextInt();
//quantity of selections
{ System.out.println("Invalid candy choice! Try again.");
//Choices and selections
itemTotal = quantity * price; //calculation 1
subtotal += itemTotal; //calculation 2
System.out.printf("%nWould you like to make another candy purchase? \'Y\' or \'N\': ");
proceed = input.next().charAt(0);
if(formatFirstItem == 1 )
salesReceipt += String.format("%n%s"
+ "%n %d @ $%.2f ex. %-24s $%,10.2f%n", candy,
quantity, price, " ", itemTotal);
formatFirstItem = 0;
salesReceipt += String.format("%s"
+ "%n %d @ $%.2f ea. %-25s %,10.2f%n", candy,
quantity, price, " ", itemTotal);
//End if FormatFIrst Item is 1 or else formatFirstItem NOT 1
}//End while loop selection
taxAmount = TAX_RATE * subtotal;// calculation 3
total = taxAmount + subtotal; // calculation 4
salesReceipt += String.format("%n%36s %-6s $%,10.2f"
+ "%n%36s %-7s %,10.2f"
+ "%n%n%36s %-6s $%,10.2f%n", "SUBTOTAL: ", " ",
subtotal, "TAX @ 8.250%: ", " ", taxAmount,
"TOTAL: ", " ", total);
System.out.printf("%s", salesReceipt);
Let me know!