建造者模式 Java:如何在BaseBuilder中引用泛型类型以用于通用BaseClass。

huangapple 未分类评论49阅读模式

Builder Pattern Java: How to reference generic type in BaseBuilder for Generic BaseClass




public class Sub extends Base<T> {
    private final String key;
    private Sub(Builder builder) {
        this.key = builder.key;
    public static class SubBuilder extends Base.BaseBuilder<SubBuilder> {
        String key;
        public SubBuilder key(String key) {
            this.key = key;
            return this;
        public Sub build() {
            return new Sub(this);


public class Base<T> {
    private final T type;
    protected Base(BaseBuilder<?> builder) {
        this.type = builder.type; 
    public static class BaseBuilder<B extends BaseBuilder<B>> {
        T type;  // 这显然不正确,因为 T 不是静态引用
        public B type(T type) {
            this.type = type;
            return (B) this;
        public Base build() {
            return new Base(this);

正如提到的,无法在 BaseBuilder 中引用 T 类型。如何在这里使用构建器设置 T 呢?也不能从 BaseBuilder 中去掉 static。对于这种问题,建造者模式是否合适?


I want to implement Builder pattern for Generic Base class and Sub class stuck at defining Generic type in Base Builder. Here are the classes.

Sub Class:

public class Sub extends Base&lt;T&gt; {
 private final String key;
      private Sub(Builder builder) {
       this.key = builder.key;
public static SubBuilder extends Base.BaseBuilder&lt;SubBuilder&gt; {
     String key;
    public SubBuilder key(String key) {
      this.key = key;
      return this;
  public Sub build() {
  return new Sub(this);

Base Class :

public class Base&lt;T&gt; {
 private final T type;
 protected Base(BaseBuilder&lt;?&gt; build) {
  this.type = build.type; 
//Base Builder
public static class BaseBuilder&lt;B extends BaseBuilder&lt;B&gt;&gt; {
 T type;  //This is obviously not right because T is not static reference 
 public B type(T type) {
 this.type = type;
  return (B)this;
public Base build() {
return new Base(this);

As mentioned can't reference T type in BaseBuilder. How to set T using builder here.
Can't remove static from BaseBuilder too.
Is builder pattern suitable for this kind of problems?


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添加 T 类型参数到 BaseBuilderSubSubBuilder

public class Base<T> {
    private final T type;

    protected Base(BaseBuilder<?, T> build) {
        this.type = build.type;

    public static class BaseBuilder<B extends BaseBuilder<B, T>, T> {
        private T type;

        public B type(T type) {
            this.type = type;
            return (B) this;

        public Base<T> build() {
            return new Base<>(this);
public class Sub<T> extends Base<T> {
    private final String key;

    private Sub(SubBuilder<T> builder) {
        this.key = builder.key;

    public static class SubBuilder<T> extends BaseBuilder<SubBuilder<T>, T> {
        private String key;

        public SubBuilder<T> key(String key) {
            this.key = key;
            return this;

        public Sub<T> build() {
            return new Sub<>(this);

Add T type parameter to BaseBuilder, Sub and SubBuilder:

public class Base&lt;T&gt; {
    private final T type;
    protected Base(BaseBuilder&lt;?, T&gt; build) {
        this.type = build.type;
    public static class BaseBuilder&lt;B extends BaseBuilder&lt;B, T&gt;, T&gt; {
        private T type;
        public B type(T type) {
            this.type = type;
            return (B) this;
        public Base&lt;T&gt; build() {
            return new Base&lt;&gt;(this);
public class Sub&lt;T&gt; extends Base&lt;T&gt; {
    private final String key;

    private Sub(SubBuilder&lt;T&gt; builder) {
        this.key = builder.key;

    public static class SubBuilder&lt;T&gt; extends BaseBuilder&lt;SubBuilder&lt;T&gt;, T&gt; {
        private String key;

        public SubBuilder&lt;T&gt; key(String key) {
            this.key = key;
            return this;

        public Sub&lt;T&gt; build() {
            return new Sub&lt;&gt;(this);

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年4月4日 11:27:07
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://java.coder-hub.com/61023406.html



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