How do I update operation based on logic in perUpdate event
I want Hibernate PostUpdateEventListener callback onPostUpdate() method to invoke conditionally. I am trying to achieve this by writing some logic in the hibernate lifecycle callback method onPreUpdate() method of PreUpdateEventListener , so that it will check a specific condition and stop further update processing & execution of onPostUpdate() if the condition evaluates to false.
Is there any significance of returning true or false value from onPreUpdate method to stop further update processing and execution of onPostUpdate() method. I already tried to return true as well as false from preUpdate() but there is no impact i.e. in both cases update processing is being performed & postUpdate() method invocation is being done.
Details : It is checker maker requirement.My requirement is to log some specific set of entities in Database to mark them as checked along with the data of update request if the user role is "Maker" and only do updates call in DB if user is of type "Checker". Therefore I need to prevent update processing if the user role is maker and log them as "Checked" and update through "Checker" user role.