What is the correct formatting pattern for this String format?
I am getting a DateTimeParseException when trying to convert a String to a ZonedDateTime with threeten. I am not sure what the correct formatting pattern is for this String format?
2014-04-16T00:00+02:00[Europe/Berlin]. Can someone tell me how the correct pattern is?
On a sitenote: Is there some page or some resource somewhere where I can look such things up without having to reconstruct it by myself?
得分: 3
不需要格式化器: 您的格式是 ZonedDateTime
String s = "2014-04-16T00:00+02:00[Europe/Berlin]";
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse(s);
System.out.println("Parsed into " + zdt);
Parsed into 2014-04-16T00:00+02:00[Europe/Berlin]
这个格式扩展了 ISO 8601 格式。ISO 8601 格式仅为 2014-04-16T00:00+02:00
,包括 UTC 偏移量但不包括时区。java.time
的开发人员将其扩展以包含时区 ID。
如果您需要一个格式化器: 如果您有特殊原因需要一个格式化器,也许您需要将其传递给一个方法,或者您只是希望明确指定您期望的格式,那么内置了一个:DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME
在哪里找到这些信息? 这些信息可以在 java.time
您自己的代码: 感谢您在此答案下的评论中提供您自己的代码。对于其他读者,我在这里重复一下,以便阅读。
fun parseZonedDateTimeToString(date: ZonedDateTime): String {
return DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME.format(date)
fun parseStringToZonedDateTime(dateString: String): ZonedDateTime {
return ZonedDateTime.parse(dateString, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME)
- Wikipedia 文章:ISO 8601
- 文档链接:
- 使用一个参数的
”的文本字符串 ZonedDateTime.toString()
,“类似 ISO 的日期时间格式化器,格式化或解析带有偏移和时区的日期时间,例如 '2011-12-03T10:15:30+01:00[Europe/Paris]'。”- 由于上面的链接是针对 Java 10 版本的类文档,与后移版本的文档并不总是相同,所以这里是 ThreeTen backport 1.4.2 API 的文档,在其中您也将找到上述所有项目。
- 使用一个参数的
No formatter needed: Your format is the default format for a ZonedDateTime
. ZonedDateTime
both parses and prints this format as its default, that is, without any explicit formatter.
String s = "2014-04-16T00:00+02:00[Europe/Berlin]";
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse(s);
System.out.println("Parsed into " + zdt);
> Parsed into 2014-04-16T00:00+02:00[Europe/Berlin]
The format is extended from ISO 8601 format. ISO 8601 would be 2014-04-16T00:00+02:00
only, so includes the UTC offset but not the time zone. The developers of java.time extended it to include the time zone ID.
If you want a formatter: If you have a special reason for wanting a formatter, maybe you need to pass one to a method or you just wish to make it explicit which format you expect, one is built in: DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME
. So you still don’t need to write any format pattern string.
Where to find this information? It’s in the documentation of the classes of java.time. See the documentation links below.
Your own code: Thank you for providing your own code in the comment under this answer. For other readers I am repeating it here, formatted for readability.
fun parseZonedDateTimeToString(date: ZonedDateTime): String {
return DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME.format(date)
fun parseStringToZonedDateTime(dateString: String): ZonedDateTime {
return ZonedDateTime.parse(dateString, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME)
- Wikipedia article: ISO 8601
- Documentation links:
- The one-arg
specifying “a text string such as2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00[Europe/Paris]
” ZonedDateTime.toString()
promising “aString
, such as2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00[Europe/Paris]
with the built-in formatters as well as the pattern letters used in format pattern stringsDateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME
, “The ISO-like date-time formatter that formats or parses a date-time with offset and zone, such as '2011-12-03T10:15:30+01:00[Europe/Paris]'.”- Since the links above are to the documentation of the Java 10 versions of the classes, which is not always identical to the documentation of the backport, here is the documentation of ThreeTen backport 1.4.2 API, under which you will find all of the above items too.
- The one-arg