从 JSON 响应中获取了一半的数据。

huangapple 未分类评论44阅读模式

Got half of data from JSON response



  1. {
  2. "rates": {
  3. "CAD": 1.5299,
  4. "HKD": 8.3625,
  5. "ISK": 155.7,
  6. "PHP": 54.805,
  7. "DKK": 7.4689,
  8. "HUF": 365.15,
  9. "CZK": 27.539,
  10. "AUD": 1.8004,
  11. "RON": 4.8307,
  12. "SEK": 10.952,
  13. "IDR": 17918.68,
  14. "INR": 82.216,
  15. "BRL": 5.6893,
  16. "RUB": 82.8075,
  17. "HRK": 7.63,
  18. "JPY": 117.1,
  19. "THB": 35.601,
  20. "CHF": 1.0547,
  21. "SGD": 1.5489,
  22. "PLN": 4.5765,
  23. "BGN": 1.9558,
  24. "TRY": 7.2296,
  25. "CNY": 7.6476,
  26. "NOK": 11.2628,
  27. "NZD": 1.8423,
  28. "ZAR": 20.2642,
  29. "USD": 1.0785,
  30. "MXN": 26.547,
  31. "ILS": 3.9267,
  32. "GBP": 0.8785,
  33. "KRW": 1332.82,
  34. "MYR": 4.7006
  35. },
  36. "base": "EUR",
  37. "date": "2020-04-03"
  38. }


  1. I/System.out: ISK 54.805
  2. I/System.out: HRK 117.1
  3. I/System.out: DKK 365.15
  4. I/System.out: CAD 8.3625
  5. I/System.out: USD 26.547
  6. I/System.out: BGN 7.2296
  7. I/System.out: THB 1.0547
  8. I/System.out: CNY 11.2628
  9. I/System.out: RON 10.952
  10. I/System.out: SGD 4.5765
  11. I/System.out: ILS 0.8785
  12. I/System.out: KRW 4.7006
  13. I/System.out: CZK 1.8004
  14. I/System.out: IDR 82.216
  15. I/System.out: NZD 20.2642
  16. I/System.out: BRL 82.8075




  1. public interface ApiCall {
  2. @GET("latest")
  3. Call<JsonObject> getTest();
  4. }


  1. public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  2. // ... 其他代码 ...
  3. public void test() {
  4. // ... 其他代码 ...
  5. call.getTest().enqueue(new Callback<JsonObject>() {
  6. @Override
  7. public void onResponse(Call<JsonObject> call, Response<JsonObject> response) {
  8. // ... 其他代码 ...
  9. try {
  10. JSONObject rates = asd.getJSONObject("rates");
  11. Iterator<String> cur = rates.keys();
  12. while (cur.hasNext()){
  13. TEST.put(cur.next(), rates.getDouble(cur.next()));
  14. }
  15. } catch (JSONException e) {
  16. e.printStackTrace();
  17. }
  18. // ... 其他代码 ...
  19. }
  20. // ... 其他代码 ...
  21. });
  22. }
  23. }

我该如何处理这个问题?你能给我一些提示吗?**对于代码的混乱感到抱歉 ^^


I have JSON response from retrofit which is:

  1. {
  2. &quot;rates&quot;: {
  3. &quot;CAD&quot;: 1.5299,
  4. &quot;HKD&quot;: 8.3625,
  5. &quot;ISK&quot;: 155.7,
  6. &quot;PHP&quot;: 54.805,
  7. &quot;DKK&quot;: 7.4689,
  8. &quot;HUF&quot;: 365.15,
  9. &quot;CZK&quot;: 27.539,
  10. &quot;AUD&quot;: 1.8004,
  11. &quot;RON&quot;: 4.8307,
  12. &quot;SEK&quot;: 10.952,
  13. &quot;IDR&quot;: 17918.68,
  14. &quot;INR&quot;: 82.216,
  15. &quot;BRL&quot;: 5.6893,
  16. &quot;RUB&quot;: 82.8075,
  17. &quot;HRK&quot;: 7.63,
  18. &quot;JPY&quot;: 117.1,
  19. &quot;THB&quot;: 35.601,
  20. &quot;CHF&quot;: 1.0547,
  21. &quot;SGD&quot;: 1.5489,
  22. &quot;PLN&quot;: 4.5765,
  23. &quot;BGN&quot;: 1.9558,
  24. &quot;TRY&quot;: 7.2296,
  25. &quot;CNY&quot;: 7.6476,
  26. &quot;NOK&quot;: 11.2628,
  27. &quot;NZD&quot;: 1.8423,
  28. &quot;ZAR&quot;: 20.2642,
  29. &quot;USD&quot;: 1.0785,
  30. &quot;MXN&quot;: 26.547,
  31. &quot;ILS&quot;: 3.9267,
  32. &quot;GBP&quot;: 0.8785,
  33. &quot;KRW&quot;: 1332.82,
  34. &quot;MYR&quot;: 4.7006
  35. },
  36. &quot;base&quot;: &quot;EUR&quot;,
  37. &quot;date&quot;: &quot;2020-04-03&quot;
  38. }

I wanted to store all data of rates object in Map, and this is weird, but I don't have all the data from rates. This is what I get.

  1. I/System.out: ISK 54.805
  2. I/System.out: HRK 117.1
  3. I/System.out: DKK 365.15
  4. I/System.out: CAD 8.3625
  5. I/System.out: USD 26.547
  6. I/System.out: BGN 7.2296
  7. I/System.out: THB 1.0547
  8. I/System.out: CNY 11.2628
  9. I/System.out: RON 10.952
  10. I/System.out: SGD 4.5765
  11. I/System.out: ILS 0.8785
  12. I/System.out: KRW 4.7006
  13. I/System.out: CZK 1.8004
  14. I/System.out: IDR 82.216
  15. I/System.out: NZD 20.2642
  16. I/System.out: BRL 82.8075

It's like half of the JSON data, what happened out there?

Here's some code:


  1. public interface ApiCall {
  2. @GET(&quot;latest&quot;)
  3. Call&lt;JsonObject&gt; getTest();
  4. }


  1. public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  2. private static final String TAG = &quot;MainActivity&quot;;
  3. JsonObject jsonObject;
  4. JSONObject asd;
  5. @Override
  6. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  7. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  8. setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
  9. test();
  10. }
  11. public void test() {
  12. Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
  13. .baseUrl(&quot;https://api.exchangeratesapi.io/&quot;)
  14. .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create())
  15. .build();
  16. ApiCall call = retrofit.create(ApiCall.class);
  17. call.getTest().enqueue(new Callback&lt;JsonObject&gt;() {
  18. @Override
  19. public void onResponse(Call&lt;JsonObject&gt; call, Response&lt;JsonObject&gt; response) {
  20. if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
  21. Log.d(TAG, &quot;onResponse: error &quot; + response.code());
  22. }
  23. Map&lt;String, Double&gt; TEST = new HashMap&lt;&gt;();
  24. //////////////////////////
  25. jsonObject = response.body().getAsJsonObject();
  26. try {
  27. asd = new JSONObject(String.valueOf(jsonObject));
  28. } catch (JSONException e) {
  29. e.printStackTrace();
  30. }
  31. // JSONObject plop = response.body().getJSONObject(&quot;rates&quot;);
  32. try {
  33. JSONObject rates = asd.getJSONObject(&quot;rates&quot;);
  34. Iterator&lt;String&gt; cur = rates.keys();
  35. while (cur.hasNext()){
  36. TEST.put(cur.next(), rates.getDouble(cur.next()));
  37. }
  38. } catch (JSONException e) {
  39. e.printStackTrace();
  40. }
  41. for (Map.Entry&lt;String, Double&gt; entry : TEST.entrySet()) {
  42. String key = entry.getKey();
  43. Object value = entry.getValue();
  44. System.out.println(key+&quot; &quot;+value+&quot;\n&quot;);
  45. }
  46. }
  47. @Override
  48. public void onFailure(Call&lt;JsonObject&gt; call, Throwable t) {
  49. Log.d(TAG, &quot;onFailure: &quot; + t.getMessage());
  50. }
  51. });
  52. }
  53. }

How do I deal with it? Can I have any hints?
**Sorry for messy code ^^


得分: 1


  1. while (cur.hasNext()){
  2. TEST.put(cur.next(), rates.getDouble(cur.next()));
  3. }

正如你所看到的,在循环的每次迭代中,next() 被调用了两次,导致只有一半的元素被放入了映射中。

你应该这样做,只调用一次 next(),但将结果保存在某个临时变量中。然后,使用该临时变量提取所需的值。


  1. while (cur.hasNext()){
  2. String key = cur.next();
  3. TEST.put(key, rates.getDouble(key));
  4. }

Your problem is following part of the code:

  1. while (cur.hasNext()){
  2. TEST.put(cur.next(), rates.getDouble(cur.next()));
  3. }

As you can see, in each iteration of the loop, next() is called twice, causing only half elements to be put in the map.

What you should do is, call next() only once, but save result in some temporary variable. Then, extract the values that you need using that temporary variable.

This should work:

  1. while (cur.hasNext()){
  2. String key = cur.next();
  3. TEST.put(key, rates.getDouble(key));
  4. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年4月4日 22:44:25
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://java.coder-hub.com/61029803.html



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