Google Speech to Text Locale creation for language other than English
class AimyboxApplication : Application(), AimyboxProvider {
companion object {
private const val AIMYBOX_API_KEY = "Ldf0j7WZi3KwNah2aNeXVIACz0lb9qMH"
override val aimybox by lazy { createAimybox(this) }
private fun createAimybox(context: Context): Aimybox {
val unitId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
val textToSpeech = GooglePlatformTextToSpeech(context, Locale.UKRAINIAN)
val speechToText = GooglePlatformSpeechToText(context, Locale.UKRAINIAN)
val dialogApi = AimyboxDialogApi(AIMYBOX_API_KEY, unitId)
return Aimybox(Config.create(speechToText, textToSpeech, dialogApi))
I want to integrate Urdu Language in my android application using Google Speech to Text. Urdu language is supported according to google for speech to text. Can you guide me as to how I can create this:
class AimyboxApplication : Application(), AimyboxProvider {
companion object {
private const val AIMYBOX_API_KEY = "Ldf0j7WZi3KwNah2aNeXVIACz0lb9qMH"
override val aimybox by lazy { createAimybox(this) }
private fun createAimybox(context: Context): Aimybox {
val unitId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
val textToSpeech = GooglePlatformTextToSpeech(context, Locale.ENGLISH)
val speechToText = GooglePlatformSpeechToText(context, Locale.ENGLISH)
val dialogApi = AimyboxDialogApi(AIMYBOX_API_KEY, unitId)
return Aimybox(Config.create(speechToText, textToSpeech, dialogApi))
It has Locale.English I want it for Urdu as shown on google here:
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/U4OGy.png
As you can see Urdu Pakistan is present on googles website.
# 答案1
**得分**: 0
你正在使用 Android SpeechKit 库(GooglePlatform),而不是 Google Cloud SpeechKit。我认为第一个仅支持英语,但你可以使用第二个,并且可以从 Google Cloud 控制台配置 API 的默认语言(为此,你需要一个活跃的计费账户),然后将其集成到 Aimubox。
You are using the android speechkit library (GooglePlatform), not the Google Cloud speechkit. I think the first one supports only English, but you can use the second one, and configure your API default language from Google Cloud Console (for that, you will need an active billing account), and then integrate it with aimubox.
Reference to documentation with code: https://github.com/just-ai/aimybox-android-sdk/tree/master/google-cloud-speechkit