How to create a development server for a java web application
我们想要为我们的学校项目构建一个Java Web应用程序(servlet和JSP),并与多名开发人员合作,我想优化开发工作流,有几个原因:
现在你可能已经猜到,我们对Java Web应用程序开发或团队合作没有太多经验,但这是一个很好的学习机会,所以请随时提出不同的方法,主要目标是获得一个我们都可以使用的开发工作区,并遵循最佳实践和行业标准。
We want to build a java web application (servlets and JSP) with multiple developers for our school project, and I want to optimize the development workflow for a couple of reasons:
So we can all work with the same tools and with the same versions (SDK, tomcat-server, MySQL database)
prevent the known "but it works on my machine" statement.
Set developers up and running quickly , no need to install software on the host machine.
Learning purposes.
So what I was thinking to do is to set up a VM and configure it using vagrant to install the proper SDK, tomcat server, and MySQL client-server, maybe even set up a docker-compose file inside the vagrant machine? is that a good idea?
We are not bound to any IDE, and I found some useful vagrant boxes that can help:
Can I configure the IDE to use my running tomcat-server when the machine is booting, without the need to configure it manually on the IDE?
Is that an overkill? should we create a simpler development server? if so, how?
Now as you may have guessed we don't have a lot of experience with Java web application development or working as a team, but it's a good opportunity to learn, so feel free to suggest a different approach, the main goal here is to get a development workspace we could all use, and following best practices and industry standards.
How could we achieve that?
得分: 0
> 所以我考虑做的是设置一个虚拟机,并使用 Vagrant 配置它,安装适当的 SDK、Tomcat 服务器和 MySQL 客户端,甚至在 Vagrant 虚拟机内部设置一个 Docker Compose 文件?这是个好主意。
当然,这是一个好主意。Docker 之所以如此受欢迎,原因也在于此。
> 使用 Eclipse 会更容易吗?
IntelliJ IDE 和 Eclipse 一样都很好且受欢迎。它们之间有一些不同的功能。因此,选择使用哪个集成开发环境应该取决于你对该 IDE 的经验。
> 我们应该如何将应用部署到运行在虚拟机上的 Tomcat 服务器?还需要在主机机器上再部署另一个服务器吗?
我建议您使用 Jenkins 构建持续集成/持续交付(CI/CD)流水线。此外,务必使用一些源代码管理软件(我推荐使用 Git)。
> So what I was thinking to do is to set up a VM and configure it using
> vagrant to install the proper SDK, tomcat server, and MySQL
> client-server, maybe even set up a docker-compose file inside the
> vagrant machine? is that a good idea?
Of course, it is a good idea. Docker became so popular for the same reason.
> will it be easier working with eclipse?
IntelliJ IDE and eclipse are equally good and popular. Both of them have some features different from each other. So, the choice of and IDE should depend on your experience with the IDE.
> How should we deploy the app to the tomcat server running on the
> virtual machine? with another server on the host machine?
I suggest you build a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins. Also, do use some source control software (I recommend git).
得分: 0
好的,我所做的是在现有的 Vagrant Java 开发环境中进行构建,该环境已经包含了 Java 和 Eclipse。我添加了一个安装 Tomcat 7 服务器以及一个带有一些模拟数据的 MySQL 数据库的脚本。
Ok, so What I did was to build on an existing vagrant java-dev box that comes with java and eclipse, and I added a script to install tomcat server 7, and a MySQL database with some mock data.
Here is a link: https://github.com/nati-elmaliach/vagrant-java-development-server