用下划线 _ 替换 AndroidStudio(Java)中的 ” “。

huangapple 未分类评论42阅读模式

Replacing " " with _ in AndroidStudio (Java)


**问题** 你好我正在尝试使用以下代码在我的应用程序中替换字符串中的空格

    String nationality1 = dataSnapshot.child("ean_data").child("nationality1").getValue().toString().toLowerCase();
    nationality1 = nationality1.replace(" ", "_");
    String svgNationality = "flag_" + nationality1;

不幸的是这不起作用我看到了一些类似的问题暗示该 不是常规空格而是其他一些类型的空格


    String nationality1 = dataSnapshot.child("ean_data").child("nationality 1").getValue().toString().toLowerCase();
    String[] parts = nationality1.split(" ");
    String part1 = parts[0];
    String part2 = parts[1];
    String _nationality = part1 + "_" + part2;

在这个特定的例子中字符串是united states”,我想将其变为united_states”。

**问题** 有没有办法只使用.replace使这个方法起作用数据是从Firebase中提取的顺便提一下

**解决方法** 适用于包含多个空格的字符串的变通解决方法

    String nationality1 = "_" + dataSnapshot.child("ean_data")
    		.child("nationality 1").getValue().toString().toLowerCase();
    if (nationality1.contains(" ")){
        nationality1 = nationality1.replaceFirst("_", "");
        String[] parts = nationality1.split(" ");
        nationality1 = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){
            nationality1 = nationality1 + "_" + parts[i];
    String svgNationality = "flag" + nationality1;

Problem: Hello, I am trying to replace a space within a string in my app using the following code:

String nationality1 = dataSnapshot.child(&quot;ean_data&quot;).child(&quot;nationality1&quot;).getValue().toString().toLowerCase();
nationality1 = nationality1.replace(&quot; &quot;, &quot;_&quot;);
String svgNationality = &quot;flag_&quot; + nationality1;

Unfortunately, this doesn't work. I have seen a few similar questions that suggest that the
" " isn't a regular space but some other kind.

I think the following might work, but it's kind of a roundabout:

String nationality1 = dataSnapshot.child(&quot;ean_data&quot;).child(&quot;nationality 1&quot;).getValue().toString().toLowerCase();
String[] parts = nationality1.split(&quot; &quot;);
String part1 = parts[0]; 
String part2 = parts[1]; 
String _nationality = part1 + &quot;_&quot; + part2;

In this particular instance, the String is "united states" which I want to become "united_states".

Question: Is there any way to make this work with just .replace? The data is being drawn from firebase btw.

Workaround solution that encompasses strings with more than one space:

String nationality1 = &quot;_&quot; + dataSnapshot.child(&quot;ean_data&quot;)
		.child(&quot;nationality 1&quot;).getValue().toString().toLowerCase();

        if (nationality1.contains(&quot; &quot;)){
            nationality1 = nationality1.replaceFirst(&quot;_&quot;, &quot;&quot;);
         	String[] parts = nationality1.split(&quot; &quot;);
         	nationality1 = &quot;&quot;;
         	for (int i = 0; i &lt; parts.length; i++){
         		nationality1 = nationality1 + &quot;_&quot; + parts[i];
         String svgNationality = &quot;flag&quot; + nationality1;


得分: 2


Java中一个有用的库可能是Google Guava的com.google.common.base.CaseFormat。您可以在这里查看如何入门:https://github.com/google/guava






If your intent is to convert any text to snake_case (or lower_underscore), it can get quite tricky if you consider all edge cases, so using a library might be your best bet.

One useful library on Java for this could be Google Guava's com.google.common.base.CaseFormat. You can see how to get started here: https://github.com/google/guava

You can look at the CaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE method.

It is possible the issue is with the string using a different whitespace character, in which case you should look into RegEx with the String.replaceAll method, but this is unlikely.

Have you looked at the output the replace method is generating? Are you sure the issue is with the underscore not being replaced and not somewhere else on the svg file name? Which I assume is what you are trying to achieve.

Your second option would only work for countries with exactly 2 words in their name, but there are plenty of countries with more words than that (or single words). Also, it also requires that exactly 1 space character was used, and not any other whitespace characters.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月24日 03:03:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://java.coder-hub.com/63061391.html



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