为什么在循环中应用时同一对象传递给 lambda 函数?

huangapple 未分类评论43阅读模式

Why same object passes to lambda when applied in a loop?


我有一个对象列表,如 Collection<Cashflow> cashflows = cashflowDao.findAll();。然后我在 for 循环中对列表进行迭代,并根据条件执行一些操作。

for(Cashflow cashflow: cashflows) {
            Condition condition = ruleService.getSTPCondition(cashflow, "NON-STP", "Counterparty STP Rule");
            Rule stpRules = getRule(cashflowDao, cashflow, condition);
            rulesEngine.fire(rules, facts);

getRule() 的实现如下:

private Rule getRule(CashflowDao cashflowDao, Cashflow cashflow, Condition condition) {
        System.out.println("Cashflow to evaluate:" + cashflow.getId()); //现金流 id 是唯一的。
        return new RuleBuilder().when(condition).then(new Action() {
            public void execute(Facts facts) throws Exception {
                System.out.println("Cashflow Id to Load: " + cashflow.getId());

execute() 方法中,列表中的第一个现金流对象 总是被传递,无论对象的当前值如何。如何将唯一的现金流对象实例传递给 execute()?如果我有三个 id 为 97、98、99 的现金流,输出将会是:

Cashflow to evaluate:97
Cashflow Id to Load: 97
Cashflow to evaluate:98
Cashflow Id to Load: 97
Cashflow to evaluate:99
Cashflow Id to Load: 97

I've a list of objects as Collection&lt;Cashflow&gt; cashflows = cashflowDao.findAll();. I then iterate over the list in a for loop and apply some action based on condition.

for(Cashflow cashflow: cashflows) {
            Condition condition = ruleService.getSTPCondition(cashflow, &quot;NON-STP&quot;, &quot;Counterparty STP Rule&quot;);
            Rule stpRules = getRule(cashflowDao, cashflow, condition);
            rulesEngine.fire(rules, facts);

The getRule() implementation is:

private Rule getRule(CashflowDao cashflowDao, Cashflow cashflow, Condition condition) {
        System.out.println(&quot;Cashflow to evaluate:&quot; + cashflow.getId()); //The cashflow id is unique.
        return new RuleBuilder().when(condition).then(new Action() {
            public void execute(Facts facts) throws Exception {
                //The cashflow is the same old/first cashflow object in the list gets passed here.
                System.out.println(&quot;Cashflow Id to Load: &quot; + cashflow.getId());

In the execute() method the first cashflow in the list is always passed no matter what the current value of the object is. How can I pass the unique instance of cashflow object to execute()? If I have three cashflows with ids 97,98,99, the output is:

Cashflow to evaluate:97
Cashflow Id to Load: 97
Cashflow to evaluate:98
Cashflow Id to Load: 97
Cashflow to evaluate:99
Cashflow Id to Load: 97

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月24日 14:15:53
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://java.coder-hub.com/63067897.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
