
huangapple 未分类评论44阅读模式

How to assertEquals on a value that is passed in as a String against a value which is a double or float




public void variable_equal_to_ratio_of_and(String exp, String numerator, String denominator) {
    double numerTotal = 0, denomTotal = 0;
    String[] numerArray = numerator.split(",");
    String[] denomArray = denominator.split(",");
    System.out.println("PCT value " + exp);

    for (String iterator : numerArray) {
        numerTotal += Double.valueOf(iterator);

    for (String iterator : denomArray) {
        denomTotal += Double.valueOf(iterator);

    double ratio = (numerTotal * 100) / (numerTotal + denomTotal);

    ratio = ratio / 100;

    BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(ratio).setScale(3, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN);
    double d = bd.doubleValue();

    org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(Float.valueOf(exp), d, 0);




开发人员在GoLang中编写了以下比例代码:Math.round(((123.54999) * 10) / 10); 并告诉我它使用了以下公式:“float32((float64(float32(number1) * 100 / float32(number2))) / 100)”。




My method is as follows:

	public void variable_equal_to_ratio_of_and(String exp, String numerator, String denominator) {
	double numerTotal = 0, denomTotal = 0;
	String[] numerArray = numerator.split(",");
	String[] denomArray = denominator.split(",");
	System.out.println("PCT value " + exp);

	for (String iterator: numerArray) {
		numerTotal += Double.valueOf(iterator);
	for (String iterator: denomArray) {
		denomTotal += Double.valueOf(iterator);
	double ratio = (numerTotal * 100) / (numerTotal + denomTotal);

	ratio = ratio / 100;

	BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(ratio).setScale(3, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN);
	double d = bd.doubleValue();

	org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(Float.valueOf(exp), d, 0);


To figure out what the actual value should be for this ratio our customers view, I need to do some math to get the answer and store that answer in a double or float which is what you're seeing in this method. The problem is I then have to do an assert equals on what our test framework pulls from the API and there is no valid method to compare a float/double with a string for junit.Assert. I seem to be able to convert the String passed in to a float/double, but then both the expected value and actual value has to be the same number of decimal places or the assertion fails.

When I convert the expected value to two decimals, it seems to always be done by DecimalFormat or BigDecimal and neither of those I can pass into the assertion.

I can convert the expected value string to 2 decimals, but then when I pass it into the AssertEquals as a double/float, it parses it to as many decimals as it wants.

The developers coded the ratio in GoLang as Math.round(((123.54999) * 10) / 10); and tell me it's using this formula: "float32((float64(float32(number1) * 100 / float32(number2))) / 100)"

But, my QA lead has written our entire testing framework in Java.

How can I keep the expected value passed to the assertion as the same number of decimals that I've set the actual value to in BigDecimal?


得分: 2



Assert.assertEquals(Float.valueOf(exp), d, .01);



To assert that 2 floating-point values are equal to some number of decimal places, you can change the epsilon parameter on assertEquals (the 3rd value)

For example,

Assert.assertEquals(Float.valueOf(exp), d, .01);

would assert that Float.valueOf(exp) and d are equivalent with an epsilon of .01.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月25日 02:29:17
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://java.coder-hub.com/63079496.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
