为什么 ClassCastException 只会在运行时发生?

huangapple 未分类评论44阅读模式

Why ClassCastException only occur in Runtime?



    class B {}
    class B1 extends B {}
    class B2 extends B {}
    public class ExtendsTest{
        public static void main(String args[]){
            B b = new B();
            B1 b1 = new B1();
            B2 b2 = new B2();



即使很明显 b 不能转换为 B1代码仍然能够编译通过

而是在运行时出现 ClassCastException编译器应该在这里更加智能才对

Considering following code.

class B {}
class B1 extends B {}
class B2 extends B {}
public class ExtendsTest{
    public static void main(String args[]){
        B b = new B();
        B1 b1 = new B1();
        B2 b2 = new B2();


Now when you do


It still compiles even it is obvious that b cannot be case to B1.
So why compiler does not give error here.

Instead ClassCastException appears at runtime. Compiler should be more intelligent here.


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通过编写 B b = new B();,你正在做两件事:

1- 告诉编译器 b 是指向类型 B 的引用。

2- 创建 B 类的实例并将其赋值给 b

在编译时,只有第一点被检查。实际存储的内容在运行时而不是编译时进行检查。 这就是运行时多态性的设计方式。我们可以在运行时将 b 分配给 BB1B2 的实例;


在你的代码中,b1=(B1)b,编译器认为 b 可能具有 B1、B2 或 B 的对象,编译器故意跳过了在运行时进行此检查。如果你想避免运行时错误,你可以将代码编写在 if 块内,如下所示:

if (b instanceof B1){

This is by design and it is the core concept of dynamic/runtime polymorphism.

By writing B b = new B();, you are doing two things:

1- Instructing compiler that b is a reference to type B.

2- Creating an instance of B and assigning it to b.

At compile time, only point-1 is checked. What is actually stored- is checked at run time not at compile time. This is how run time polymorphism is designed. we can assign, instance of B, B1 or B2 at runtime to b;

This help in writing better maintainable & extendable code.

In your code b1=(B1)b, Compiler thinks b may be having object of B1, B2 or B. Compiler knowingly skip this to be checked at runtime. If you want to avoid the runtime error, you can write your code inside if block like:

if (b instanceof B1){


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这里的 B 类是超类,可以引用子类(B1 类、B2 类)的对象。

B obj1 = new B1();


B obj2 = new B2();

现在,如果你创建了一个引用类型为 B1 的对象,指向了父类 B 的对象,这将不起作用,除非你将 obj1 强制转换为父类类型,因为 B1 并不知道它指向了 B(父类)。

B1 b1 = obj1; // 错误
B1 b1 = (B)obj1; // 错误

现在在你的情况下,父类并没有指向子类的对象 B b = new B();,但是当你进行类型转换 b1=(B1)b; 时,它认为 b 可能指向子类,所以最初不会显示错误,但在编译时会显示错误。


Here Class B is the superclass, which can be referenced to object of subclasses (class B1, class B2)

B obj1 = new B1();


  B obj2 = new B2();

now if you create object of reference type B1 pointing to object of B (parent class), This will not not work until and unless you cast obj1 with parent class, because b1 B1 does not know that the parent class (B) it pointing to B1.

B1 b1 = obj1; //error
B1 b1 = (B)obj1; //error

Now in your case the parent class is not pointing to child class B b = new B();, but as you cast b1=(B1)b; it thinks that b might be pointing to the child class so it does not show any error initially but when compiled it shows error.


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(I'm not entirely sure what I said, but I think it makes sense)

Because Java classes are built and implemented at runtime, their relationships with other classes and interfaces are then established. Therefore, Java will notice your logical error in relation to class B1 at runtime!
The JVM is responsible for checking syntax errors during Compile-time. The JVM could not detect some errors like this at compile time because the class and its relationships to other components were not yet created by the Java compiler.
Good luck

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月25日 12:50:46
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://java.coder-hub.com/63084480.html



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