
huangapple 未分类评论42阅读模式

Write unit test for jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate() method



public void updateData(List<Student> students, String status){
        jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate("update query", new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){
            public int getBatchSize() {
                return students.size();
            public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) {
                Student student = students.get(i);
                ps.setInt(1, student.getRollNo());
                ps.setString(2, student.getName());            
    } catch(Exception ex) {}

try{jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate("update query", new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){


public void testMe() {
    List<Student> students = new ArrayList<>();
    mockedObject.updateData(students, "success");



I have jdbcTemplate code, on which I am trying to write a unit test case.


     public void updateData(List&lt;Student&gt; students, String status){
        try{jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(&quot;update query&quot;, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){
            public int getBatchSize()
              return students.size();
            public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps int i){
              Student student = students.get(i);
              ps.setInt(1, student.getRollNo());
              ps.setString(2, student.getName());            
    }catch(Exception ex){}

But the problem is I am unable to cover the full code. I am able to cover till:<br/>

> try{jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate("update query", new
> BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){

Test code snippet

public void testMe(){
List&lt;Student&gt; students = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
 mockedObject.updateData(students ,&quot;success&quot;);


Please help.


得分: 3

在这里,困难在于包含您想要测试的主要逻辑的 new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){ ...} 实例是 updateData() 方法的实现细节。它仅仅在被测试的方法内部定义。


  • 使用 @DataJpaTest 进行测试分片(实际上是部分集成测试),这种方法会更简单,因为您可以测试副作用,并且在数据库中断言状态,而不是在代码中断言语句。
  • BatchPreparedStatementSetter 实例的创建提取到一个工厂中。


class BatchPreparedStatementFactory{

   public BatchPreparedStatementSetter ofStudentsBatchPreparedStatementSetter(List<Student> students, String status){

      return new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){
                public int getBatchSize() {
                  return students.size();
                public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) {
                  Student student = students.get(i);
                  ps.setInt(1, student.getRollNo());
                  ps.setString(2, student.getName());            


// 注入它
BatchPreparedStatementFactory batchPreparedStatementFactory;

public void updateData(List<Student> students, String status){
   try {
       jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate("update query", batchPreparedStatementFactory.ofStudentsBatchPreparedStatementSetter(students, status));
   } catch (Exception ex) {}    


  • BatchPreparedStatementFactoryTest(不使用模拟)测试 getBatchSize()setValues()。这非常简单。
  • 您最初的测试(使用模拟)断言 jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate() 是否以预期的参数调用,特别是 BatchPreparedStatementFactory.ofStudentsBatchPreparedStatementSetter(...) 返回的实例。


// 模拟工厂返回
BatchPreparedStatementSetter batchPreparedStatementSetterDummyMock = Mockito.mock(BatchPreparedStatementSetter.class);
Mockito.when(batchPreparedStatementFactoryMock.ofStudentsBatchPreparedStatementSetter(students, status))

// 调用要测试的方法
updateData(students, status);

// 验证我们是否使用预期的参数调用了工厂
        .batchUpdate("update query", batchPreparedStatementSetterDummyMock);

就个人而言,我不太喜欢这种过于精细的模拟单元测试。我更倾向于使用 @DataJpaTest 或更全面的集成测试来断言与 JDBC/JPA 相关的事物。


Here the difficulty is that the new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){ ...} instance that contains the main logic that you want to test is a implementation detail of the updateData() method. It is defined only inside the tested method.
To solve that you have two classic approaches :

  • favor a test slice with @DataJpaTest (that is finally a partial integration test) that would be simpler since you will be able to test side effect and also more helpful as you assert the state in the DB and not the statements in your code.
  • Extract the BatchPreparedStatementSetter instance creation in a factory.
    In that way you could capture it inside your unit test.

For example :

class BatchPreparedStatementFactory{

   public BatchPreparedStatementSetter ofStudentsBatchPreparedStatementSetter(List&lt;Student&gt; students, String status){

      new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){
                public int getBatchSize()
                  return students.size();
                public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps int i){
                  Student student = students.get(i);
                  ps.setInt(1, student.getRollNo());
                  ps.setString(2, student.getName());            

And use it now in your original code :

 // inject it
 BatchPreparedStatementFactory batchPreparedStatementFactory;

 public void updateData(List&lt;Student&gt; students, String status){
    try{jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(&quot;update query&quot;, batchPreparedStatementFactory.ofStudentsBatchPreparedStatementSetter(students, status );
    }catch(Exception ex){}    

Now you have two components and so two tests :

  • BatchPreparedStatementFactoryTest (without mocking) which tests getBatchSize() and setValues(). That is very straight.
  • your initial test (with mocking) that asserts that the jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate() is invoked with expected parameters, particularly the instance returned by BatchPreparedStatementFactory.ofStudentsBatchPreparedStatementSetter(...).
    To do that assertion, you should define several mocks :
    jdbcTemplate, BatchPreparedStatementFactory and BatchPreparedStatementSetter.

For example for the second case :

// mock the factory return
BatchPreparedStatementSetter batchPreparedStatementSetterDummyMock = Mockito.mock(BatchPreparedStatementSetter.class);
Mockito.when(batchPreparedStatementFactoryMock.ofStudentsBatchPreparedStatementSetter(students, status))

// call the method to test
updateData(students, status);

// verify that we call the factory with the expected params
        .batchUpdate(&quot;update query&quot;, batchPreparedStatementSetterDummyMock);

Personally I am not a big fan of that kind of unit tests with too fine mocking. I would stick to @DataJpaTest or more global integration tests to assert things related to JDBC/JPA.


得分: 0


import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

public void testJDBCBatchUpdate() {
    String expectedSQL = "Select * from TableName";
    doAnswer(invocationOnMock -> {

        String actualSQL = invocationOnMock.getArgumentAt(0, String.class);
        assertEquals(expectedSQL, actualSQL);

        PreparedStatement preparedStatementMock = Mockito.mock(PreparedStatement.class);
        BatchPreparedStatementSetter setter = invocationOnMock.getArgumentAt(1, BatchPreparedStatementSetter.class);
        setter.setValues(preparedStatementMock, 0);

        verify(preparedStatementMock, times(1)).setObject(anyInt(), anyString());

        int batchSize = setter.getBatchSize();
        assertEquals(expectedBatchSize, batchSize);

        return null;
    }).when(jdbcTemplate).batchUpdate(anyString(), any(BatchPreparedStatementSetter.class));

    List<Datum> data = service.getData();

    verify(jdbcTemplate, times(1)).batchUpdate(anyString(), any(BatchPreparedStatementSetter.class));

As @davidxxx answered, it is good solution to refactor your code by creating a factory. If you do not wish to create a factory, you can use below solution to unit test the logic written inside batchUpdate call.

import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

public void testJDBCBatchUpdate() {
    String expectedSQL = &quot;Select * from TableName&quot;;
    doAnswer(invocationOnMock -&gt; {
        String actualSQL =invocationOnMock.getArgumentAt(0, String.class);
        assertEquals(expectedSQL, actualSQL);
        PreparedStatement preparedStatementMock=Mockito.mock(PreparedStatement.class);
        BatchPreparedStatementSetter setter =invocationOnMock.getArgumentAt(1, BatchPreparedStatementSetter.class);
        setter.setValues(preparedStatementMock, 0);
		verify(preparedStatementMock, times(1)).setObject(anyInt(), anyString());
        int batchSize=setter.getBatchSize();
        return null;
    }).when(jdbcTemplate).batchUpdate(anyString(), any(BatchPreparedStatementSetter.class));
    List&lt;Datum&gt; data = service.getData();
	verify(jdbcTemplate, times(1)).batchUpdate(anyString(),any(BatchPreparedStatementSetter.class)); 

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年7月25日 14:14:43
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://java.coder-hub.com/63085027.html



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