Is there a way to resolve conflict between upi_pay: ^0.2.0 plugin and razorpay_flutter: ^1.2.2 plugin and use both simultaneously in an android app
我想在我的安卓应用中同时使用 upi_pay: ^0.2.0 Flutter 插件和 razorpay_flutter: ^1.2.2 Flutter 插件,但由于某些冲突,upi_pay: ^0.2.0 插件停止工作(确切地说,在启动和完成付款交易后无法捕获交易响应,但如果我移除 razorpay_flutter: ^1.2.2,它就可以正常工作)。有人能帮助我找到一种解决方案,使这两个插件在我的应用中同时运行吗?
I want both upi_pay: ^0.2.0 flutter plugin and razorpay_flutter: ^1.2.2 flutter plugin to be used in my android app but due to some conflict, upi_pay: ^0.2.0 plugin stops working (To be precise the transaction response is not captured after a payment transaction is initiated and completed but if I remove razorpay_flutter: ^1.2.2 it works without any issue). Could anyone help me to find a solution to run both this plugin simultaneously in my app.