How to programmatically read a MS Access (.mdb) file in java?
(MS Access
)文件作为数据库。我们正在开发一个新的、集中化的SpringBoot Web应用,该应用使用MySQL
最新版本的数据库结构 - 即MySQL
- 当然是已知的,但旧的Access数据库的结构可能会有所不同,因为并不是所有客户都有旧应用/MS Access的最新版本。因此,如果可能的话,读取过程应该是动态的,不依赖于预先确定的结构。好消息是,一般情况下,更新的版本只会添加新的表格和字段(没有删除或编辑),因此在迁移非常旧的.mdb
时,可能会缺少一些表格和字段(这应该不是问题,除非它们是“NOT NULL”),但至少不会有“新”的、未知的或额外的字段。
I am giving maintenance on an old, decentralized, and local application that each of our Clients uses, with each app having its own independent .mdb
(MS Access
) file as a database. We are developing a new, centralized SpringBoot Web application that uses MySQL
as a database. The problem is that we can't just throw away the data on the already existing Access databases, therefore, one of the pre-requisites for the new application is to add a function to migrate all the old data from those .mdb
files into the new database.
In detail, using an HTTP
call, our client should be able to send a .mdb file through a SpringBoot controller
. The Server should then read the tables and its contents, validate a few pieces of information, and insert the data read on the new MySQL database.
A few notes:
The most recent version of the database structure -the MySQL
- is, of course, already known, but the structures of the older Access databases may vary, as not all of the Clients have the most up to date version of the old App/MS Access. That's why, if possible, the reading process should be dinamic and independent of a pre-determined structure. The good news is that, in general, the newer versions only add new tables and fields (no deletions nor editions), therefore when migrating a very old .mdb
, a few tables and fields could be missing (shouldn't be a problem, except it's 'NOT NULL'), but at least there will be no "new", unknown or extra field.
The HTTP Controller, the validation, and insertion of the data are OK, but I couldn't find how to programmatically and dynamically read the .mdb
file. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!