editText.setText(string) does NOT work, but textView.setText (string) always works, strange difference
所以我希望 editText.setText(str)
的效果与 textView.setText(str)
我从 WebView 发送一个字符串到 Android 的 @JavascriptInterface
。奇怪的是,只有在 WebView 中点击发送按钮并且屏幕键盘弹出/激活时,EditText 才会执行 setText(string)
- 我关闭了屏幕键盘,
- 在 WebView 中点击发送按钮,
- 再次点击任何输入字段(或者在 Android 输入中),以弹出屏幕键盘,
- 此时字符串将显示在从 WebView 接收的
中的 EditText 中。
有趣的是,如果我在 TextView 中显示/接收字符串,则无需考虑任何屏幕键盘状态或点击。
- 使用定时任务在500毫秒后将字符串发送到 EditText,
- 尝试调用外部函数,并在 EditText 之前使用 toast 显示消息字符串 - 这样消息总是会到达,但只有在 WebView 中的键盘仍然弹出时,EditText 才会显示。
我尝试发送点击事件到 WebView,但是在这种情况下键盘不会弹出。
public void showMessageInEditText(String str) {
int test = 1;
// EditText 不正常工作
if(1==test){ EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.edit_txt_id);
editText.setText(str); }
if(2==test){ TextView editText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.edit_txt_id);
editText.setText(str); }
// TextView 总是正常工作:
if(3==test){ TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txt_id2);
textView.setText(str); }
textView.setText(str); // test=3 总是正常工作
editText.setText(str); // test=1 test=2 仅在以下情况下工作:
WebView 中的输入激活,
我更新了程序,尝试发送到另一个 Activity2,然后它就正常工作了。
So I would that editText.setText (str) works the same as textView.setText (str)
I'm sending a string from WebView to Android @JavascriptInterface. Strangely, EditText only makes setText (string) when the send button is clicked in the WebView as long as the onscreen keyboard is popped up / active.
If you don't see the input field below the keyboard, then:
- I close the onscreen keybord,
- click send button in WebView,
- click again in any input field (or also in android Input) so that the onscreen keybord pops up,
- at this moment the string is displayed in the EditText in @JavascriptInterface, received from WebView.
Funny if I show / receive the string in a TextView it works without any onsceen keyboard status, or click click.
what can I do, I have already tried
a runnable scheduler to send the string to EditText 500 ms later,
and tried to call external functions, and displayed the message string with toast before EditText - so the message always arrives - only EditText shows which only if the keyboard is still popped up in the WebView.
try to send a click event to WebView , but in this focus the keyboard do not popup
public void showMessageInEditText(String str) {
int test = 1;
// EditText not happy
if(1==test){ EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.edit_txt_id);
editText.setText(str); }
if(2==test){ TextView editText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.edit_txt_id);
editText.setText(str); }
// TextView always works:
if(3==test){ TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txt_id2);
textView.setText(str); }
a strange difference:
textView.setText(str); // test=3 always works
editText.setText(str); // test=1 test=2 only works if
the onscreen keyboard is popped up / active,
for input in the WebView active,
and the send button is clicked exactly during this time,
the onscreen keyboard is popped up
I updated program , try send to another Activity2 and then it is ok