Convert Generic Types to Objects

huangapple 未分类评论67阅读模式

Convert Generic Types to Objects



public interface Transformer<T> {
    public T transform(String input);


public class TransformerFactory {
    public <T> Transformer<T> getTransformer(final SomeEnum enum, final T type) {
        switch(enum) {
        case FOO:
            return new IntegerTransformer();
        case BAR:
            return new ByteTransformer();
            throw new Exception("blah");


factory.getTransformer(foo, Integer.class).transform(input);


Type mismatch: cannot convert from Class<Integer> to Integer



I am writing a transformer to convert String input to output of custom type. Here's how the interface looks like:

public interface Transformer&lt;T&gt; {
	public T transform(String input);

There will multiple implementations of it (i.e. IntegerTransformer, ByteTransformer etc). I have written a factory that returns these transformers, e.g.:

public class TransformerFactory {
    public &lt;T&gt; Transformer&lt;T&gt; getTransformer(final SomeEnum enum, final T type) {
		switch(enum) {
		case FOO:
			return new IntegerTransformer();
		case BAR:
			return new ByteTransformer();
				throw new Exception(&quot;blah&quot;);

In my main class, I am doing this:

factory.getTransformer(foo, Integer.class).transform(input);

This results in the following error:

Type mismatch: cannot convert from Class&lt;Integer&gt; to Integer

So, I somehow need to convert Type literal to Object. Is there any way I can do that without modifying the generic structure of interface and factory?


得分: 1

getTransformer(final SomeEnum enum, final T type)的签名期望一个真正的类型为T的对象。你想要的是传递一个class的实例,所以应该是:
getTransformer(final SomeEnum enum, final Class&lt;T&gt; type)

另外,自从Java 8以来,不再需要声明这种简单的接口。使用泛型的Function&lt;String,T&gt;会非常适合你。


The signature of getTransformer(final SomeEnum enum, final T type) expects an actual objet of type T. What you want is pass a instance of class, so it should be:
getTransformer(final SomeEnum enum, final Class&lt;T&gt; type)

In addition, since Java 8 there is no need for declaring such simple interfaces. Using the generic Function&lt;String,T&gt; would serve you perfectly.


得分: 1

TL;DR: 并不是试图抢夺 @MAnouti 标记给他/她的分数。但为了完整起见,楼主,我想分享一下我在尝试重现你的错误时观察到的内容。

> "这导致了以下错误:"
> 类型不匹配:无法从 Class<Integer> 转换为 Integer


不兼容的类型:无法将 IntegerTransformer 转换为 Transformer&lt;T&gt;
不兼容的类型:无法将 ByteTransformer 转换为 Transformer&lt;T&gt;


而且,即使你按照其他答案/评论的建议,将方法的第二个形式参数从 T 替换为 Class&lt;T&gt;,你仍然会得到上述的 不能转换为 Transformer&lt;T&gt; 编译错误。

> "…是否有任何方法可以在不修改接口和工厂的泛型结构的情况下实现?"


    public &lt; T, U extends Transformer&lt; T &gt; &gt; U getTransformer( SomeEnum eNum, Class&lt; T &gt; type ){ 
    switch( eNum ){ 
        case FOO:
            return (U)new IntegerTransformer( );
        case BAR:
            return (U)new ByteTransformer( );
            throw new RuntimeException( &quot;Detected Decepticons Among Us!&quot; );

...它修复了你在问题中报告的错误,同时也修复了如果你只改变了参数为 Class&lt;T&gt; 的情况下会出现的*不能转换为 Transformer&lt;T&gt;*错误。


TL;DR: Not trying to snipe @MAnouti's points that you've earmarked for him/her. But for the sake of completeness, OP, I wanted to share what I observed in my attempt to reproduce your error.

> „This results in the following error:
> Type mismatch: cannot convert from Class<Integer> to Integer

The original example code in your question fails to compile (as confirmed by my failed attempt to reproduce the same error) with these different compilation errors&hellip;

incompatible types: IntegerTransformer cannot be converted to Transformer&lt;T&gt;
incompatible types: ByteTransformer cannot be converted to Transformer&lt;T&gt;

&hellip;Notice those are not the same as the error you reported in your question.

And even if you did follow the advice of the other answers/comments and replaced T with Class&lt;T&gt; as the second formal parameter of your method, you would still get the above cannot be converted to Transformer&lt;T&gt; compilation errors.

> „&hellip;Is there any way I can do that without modifying the generic structure of interface and factory?

I have confirmed by a simple experiment that this meets that criteria. And it successfully compiles and runs as expected&hellip;

    public &lt; T, U extends Transformer&lt; T &gt; &gt; U getTransformer( SomeEnum eNum, Class&lt; T &gt; type ){ 
    switch( eNum ){ 
        case FOO:
            return (U)new IntegerTransformer( );
        case BAR:
            return (U)new ByteTransformer( );
            throw new RuntimeException( &quot;Detected Decepticons Among Us!&quot; );

&hellip;It fixes both the error you reported in your question, and the cannot be converted to Transformer&lt;T&gt; errors you'd get if the only thing you changed was the parameter to Class&lt;T&gt;.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月14日 18:46:45
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