Sure, I can help you with that. Just let me know which part you’d like me to translate.

huangapple 未分类评论78阅读模式

I have a feature model (in xml format). Is there a way to generate java classes for any given feature model when a required feature is traversed?




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
        <and abstract="true" mandatory="true" name="SvgMapApp">
            <feature name="L2Build"/>
            <and abstract="true" mandatory="true" name="Layers">
                <feature name="ColorRegion"/>
                <feature name="Relief"/>
                <feature name="Rivers"/>
                <feature name="Lakes"/>
                <feature name="PopCircle"/>
            <and abstract="true" mandatory="true" name="Legends">
                <and abstract="true" name="Controls">
                    <feature name="Navigator"/>
                    <feature name="ReliefControls"/>
                    <feature name="RiverControls"/>
                    <feature name="LakeControls"/>
                    <feature name="PopCircleControls"/>
                    <feature name="CoordinateDisplay"/>
                <and abstract="true" name="Stats1">
                    <feature name="AgeChart"/>
                    <feature name="StatsMedianAge"/>
                    <feature name="EthnicBarChart"/>
                    <feature name="EthnicPieChart"/>
                <and abstract="true" name="Stats2">
                    <feature name="StatsSex"/>
                    <feature name="StatsHouseholds"/>
                    <feature name="StatsPopulation"/>
                <feature hidden="true" name="Legend"/>
            <feature hidden="true" mandatory="true" name="USStates"/>
            <feature mandatory="true" name="Base"/>
    <!-- 约束规则部分已省略 -->
    <!-- 注释部分已省略 -->


public class FeatureModel {
    private Struct struct;

    public Struct getStruct() {
        return struct;

    public void setStruct(Struct struct) {
        this.struct = struct;
    // ...

public class Struct {
    private And and[];

    public And[] getAnd() {
        return and;

    public void setAnd(And[] and) {
        this.and = and;
    // ...

public class Alt {
    private Feature[] feature;

    private String name;

    private String mandatory;
    // ...

public class And {
    private String name;

    private String mandatory;

    private Feature[] feature;

    private Or or;

    private Alt alt;
    // ...

public class Or {
    private Feature[] feature;

    private String name;
    // ...

public class Feature {
    private String name;
    // ...


FeatureModel [struct = Struct [and = [And Root = SvgMapApp, mandatory = true, feature = [Feature [name = L2Build], Feature [name = USStates], Feature [name = Base]] [alt = null, or = null]]]]

I have tried reading the XML file using JAXB but it only reads the first-level elements. I also do not know how to go about generating the java classes for each of the required features in the XML file. Here is a sample feature model that I am working with and the output I have obtained from reading the file.

&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot; standalone=&quot;no&quot;?&gt;
    			&lt;and abstract=&quot;true&quot; mandatory=&quot;true&quot; name=&quot;SvgMapApp&quot;&gt;
    				&lt;feature name=&quot;L2Build&quot;/&gt;
    				&lt;and abstract=&quot;true&quot; mandatory=&quot;true&quot; name=&quot;Layers&quot;&gt;
    					&lt;feature name=&quot;ColorRegion&quot;/&gt;
    					&lt;feature name=&quot;Relief&quot;/&gt;
    					&lt;feature name=&quot;Rivers&quot;/&gt;
    					&lt;feature name=&quot;Lakes&quot;/&gt;
    					&lt;feature name=&quot;PopCircle&quot;/&gt;
    				&lt;and abstract=&quot;true&quot; mandatory=&quot;true&quot; name=&quot;Legends&quot;&gt;
    					&lt;and abstract=&quot;true&quot; name=&quot;Controls&quot;&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;Navigator&quot;/&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;ReliefControls&quot;/&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;RiverControls&quot;/&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;LakeControls&quot;/&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;PopCircleControls&quot;/&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;CoordinateDisplay&quot;/&gt;
    					&lt;and abstract=&quot;true&quot; name=&quot;Stats1&quot;&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;AgeChart&quot;/&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;StatsMedianAge&quot;/&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;EthnicBarChart&quot;/&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;EthnicPieChart&quot;/&gt;
    					&lt;and abstract=&quot;true&quot; name=&quot;Stats2&quot;&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;StatsSex&quot;/&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;StatsHouseholds&quot;/&gt;
    						&lt;feature name=&quot;StatsPopulation&quot;/&gt;
    					&lt;feature hidden=&quot;true&quot; name=&quot;Legend&quot;/&gt;
    				&lt;feature hidden=&quot;true&quot; mandatory=&quot;true&quot; name=&quot;USStates&quot;/&gt;
    				&lt;feature mandatory=&quot;true&quot; name=&quot;Base&quot;/&gt;
    			&lt;c&gt; this turns panel a off&lt;/c&gt;
    			&lt;c&gt; this turns panel a off&lt;/c&gt;
    			&lt;c&gt;Layers { tab }&lt;/c&gt;
    			&lt;c&gt;Legends { out=&quot;&quot; }&lt;/c&gt;
    			&lt;c&gt;Controls { tab }&lt;/c&gt;
    			&lt;c&gt;Stats1 { tab }&lt;/c&gt;
    			&lt;c&gt;Stats2 { tab }&lt;/c&gt;

I would like to autogenerate the model classes, but here are the classes I have worked with and the output I obtained:

public class FeatureModel {
	 private Struct struct;


	    public Struct getStruct ()
	        return struct;

	    public void setStruct (Struct struct)
	        this.struct = struct;


public class Struct {

	private And and[];
    public And[] getAnd ()
        return and;

    public void setAnd (And[] and)
        this.and = and;


public class Alt {
	private Feature[] feature;
    private String name;

    private String mandatory;

    public Feature[] getFeature ()
        return feature;

    public void setFeature (Feature[] feature)
        this.feature = feature;

    public String getName ()
        return name;

    public void setName (String name)
    { = name;

    public String getMandatory ()
        return mandatory;

    public void setMandatory (String mandatory)
        this.mandatory = mandatory;


public class And {
    private String name;
    private String mandatory;

	private Feature[] feature;
	private Or or;

    private Alt alt;
	public String getName ()
	        return name;

	public void setName (String name)
	    { = name;
	public Feature[] getFeature ()
	        return feature;

	public void setFeature (Feature[] feature)
	        this.feature = feature;

    public Or getOr ()
        return or;

    public void setOr (Or or)
        this.or = or;

    public Alt getAlt ()
        return alt;

    public void setAlt (Alt alt)
        this.alt = alt;

    public String getMandatory ()
        return mandatory;

    public void setMandatory (String mandatory)
        this.mandatory = mandatory;


public class Or {
	private Feature[] feature;
    private String name;

    public Feature[] getFeature ()
        return feature;

    public void setFeature (Feature[] feature)
        this.feature = feature;

    public String getName ()
        return name;

    public void setName (String name)
    { = name;


public class Feature {
	 private String name;

	    public String getName ()
	        return name;

	    public void setName (String name)
	    { = name;


Here is my output:
FeatureModel [struct = Struct [and = [And Root = SvgMapApp, mandatory = true, feature = [Feature [name = L2Build], Feature [name = USStates], Feature [name = Base]] [alt = null, or = null]]]]


得分: 0

Sure, here's the translated Java code part you provided:

public class And {
    private String name;
    private String mandatory;
    private Feature[] feature;
    private Or or;

    private Alt alt;

    // added
    private And[] and;

Let me know if you need anything else!


As for adjusting the generated Java code, look at what exactly each element can contain and what is missing. For instance, the and elements in the xml contain either features or ands (or both); in the And class, only a member for a list of Features is present, so add the ands manually.

public class And {
    private String name;
    private String mandatory;

    private Feature[] feature;
    private Or or;

    private Alt alt;

    // added
    private And[] and;

This should also cover the ands in the deeper nested levels. Looking at your output, the ands are exactly what are missing. I would also assume several ors and alts are possible (so those should be array fields), but those aren't present in the xml at all, so I guess they come from another file - you'll have to see for yourself how they fit in.

The feature seems to always have a name, but also a hidden and mandatory attribute sometimes, so add those to Feature.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月14日 20:09:38
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